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Coffee house #3

Nathaniel Bailey


I have learned a lot about the transformation and definition of “research” through Wikipedia and the article “the traditional research paper is the best”. From the article, I learned that before the internet finding sources were not only time-consuming because they required more physical activity and human interaction but sometimes the book lacked primary sources and instead relied on what was considered “questionable secondary material”. So before the internet, a lot more effort and research would have to be put into account before writing down information. Another thing that I learned from the article is although we have the internet to our use it might not always be the best place to research due to the vast majority of options we receive after pressing enter. I believe the author was trying to portray this message when she said “ it hardly seems appropriate, or far, to ask any student, regardless of classification, to wade through oceanic swamps of online data for the specific purpose of making an original contribution, as a single author, to some public policy debate or academic discipline”. Lastly one more thing that I learned from the article is that online research is more likely to lead to plagiarism. The Arthur states this when saying “ thousands, if not millions, of students, will use Google and Wikipedia as first steps towards plagiarizing work. Plugging into an abyss of boredom or cultivating take curiosity about his subject”.

While reading the article about research one of the things I learned is the different kinds of research such as research and humanities, artistic research, and scientific research. The one that stuck out the most to me was scientific research a “ systematic way of gathering data in harnessing curiosity“. I also learned about the different research methods such as exploratory research, constructive research, and empirical research. Lastly, I learned about the flaws in research, this is basically talking about how not all that u read on a topic is true it could be someone’s bias opinion on the subject at hand.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Thanks for this Coffeehouse. This was a fantastic post. I loved the quote from Lockett.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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