Kofil Uddin – Rahmani’s Intellectual Home

In Rahmani’s “Chronicles of a Once Pessimistic College Freshman,” we figure out that his intellectual home is his college. This is his Intellectual Home because he became very attached to his classes and became more engaged in his classes throughout the story. His broad-mindedness also expanded as he continued his semester. He learned to be more engaging, which led him to adopt the college as his Intellectual Home. The lesson he learned was to engage and be more productive by being open to trying out everything that his college offered him. The people and the environment all impacted him soon after he went through the process of becoming more academically engaged towards his career. Although he saw the school as a prison, counting the time as the hours went by, he learned to see the beauty in it as he progressed into making that place his own personal Intellectual Home. As he began absorbing the knowledge that was given to him, he opened his mind to the many clubs, communities, literary contests, and opportunities that were available. Rahmani not only created a sense of belonging for himself but also gave himself the best ways to make his Intellectual Home, work for his career. He was “no longer pessimistic” and was engaging more in his academics.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan


    Thanks for your post.
    -Prof. Scanlan

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