Category: RAB Conclusion Draft

Madeline Munoz – The Globalization Effects of Fast Fashion

In the end, fast fashion has been found on a list of the many factors of the causes of global warming. After seeing the research I’ve done the blame cannot just be put on the consumers but the fast fashion companies have to take accountability as well. In the different examples of research I found slow fast fashion is the action that some fashion businesses are taking to make fashion sustainable for all. Through all my examples of research that is what I found. Not only were solutions presented to me but causes, effects, the why, and the how we’re all together in my sources. Though it may only interest some, the idea of fashion affects all so shoppers and companies should start making smarter decisions when it comes down to what they’re buying.

Nandita Chowdhury-Conclusion

In my conclusion, I learned as the number of fires increases and the area burned turns out to be more important, it becomes more worrying because exposure to particulates and gasses associated with smoke from wildfires entering cities can lead to people being hospitalized and even premature death. Pollutants emanating from smoke from forest fires always have a greater impact on locations where the smoke is blown by the wind and cause increased ozone concentrations. Therefore, there is increasing evidence that global climate change is spreading fires across the world. Globally, the length of the fire season increased by almost 19% due to long periods of hot, dry weather. Despite the fact that environmental factors have a great influence on all this, as citizens we still have a social responsibility to do everything possible and prevent these tragedies from happening. The increased risk of fires means that we must change the way we manage them. An efficient rural and forest fire policy needs a greater financial boost from governments for more efficient prevention and surveillance plans to be developed.

Kofil Uddin – Conclusion Draft

In conclusion, I found that TikTok had an immense presence in the information that many teenagers were absorbing. It gave many of them new perspectives, showed them new information about the pandemic, and gave safety tips and guidelines for the general public. The part of my research that I found surprising was that TikTok became the most popular app during the pandemic and it was a really big contributor when it came to spreading information about the virus. It helped me get more in-depth into my question because it became more interesting as I went deeper into details. For the most part, it showed me things that I had no knowledge of and it changed my way of thinking as I didn’t think TikTok would have that great of an influence on teenagers. The most important part about this was that TikTok became a fast-growing app due to the coronavirus and it helped to create some stability in our society. It did so by spreading out safety guidelines to follow as we progressed towards safer conditions to go outside. This information is absolutely necessary for teenagers since most of them use the app daily. Since TikTok has a huge influence on many teenagers it can help shape their knowledge of the information they learn about many things. 

Rayen Osorio- Conclusion

     All the information I found allowed me to learn more about sleep deprivation and why it is crucial to get an adequate amount of sleep every night. Before doing my research, I knew not getting enough sleep was bad for you, but I didn’t know exactly the reasons why. Therefore, the information I found matched my expectations because it allowed me to expand my knowledge and further learn the negative consequences of not getting enough sleep. Doing this research proved to me some of the reasons for sleep deprivation I thought to be true already such as social media, work, social events, etc. I now know the most common reasons college students don’t get enough sleep and the negative consequences that come along with that.

Alondra’s Conclusion- active euthanasia finalized

In conclusion, Active Euthanasia may seem to be a very uncomfortable topic for many, the reason still seems to be unclear, but it shouldn’t be concern to those who aren’t enduring such pain and anguish no other should have a say in a persons decision to want to end their suffering, medically speaking. The things I have learned have satisfied me with the fact that active euthanasia should be seen as empowering, the person has ultimate control with the situation, I also learned that it is far more expensive to keep someone alive especially with all their medical treatments that will do no help when a persons situation is far from help, I never saw it in that way. I believe that people who are curious with this topic should always start by reading James Rachel’s article,  since it informs about passive and active euthanasia and lets the audience build their own opinion about Euthanasia.

The information I found was very insightful. It broke down what a narcissistic person is and what they tend to do as well as their traits and affects on other people. I wasn’t as surprised because I’ve witnessed how a narcissistic parent could act, but reading and looking into this topic, I was definitely more informed. It answered a lot of questions and gave me an understanding as to why they’re the way that they are. It also made me understand why their kids may resemble the same traits or just grow up with a lot of mental health problems within themselves. I think this topic is very common but most people don’t realize it. Taking the time to learn and talk about it can help people be more informed in case this is going on in their life or someone they know. It starts the process of healing which is very important.