Video: What is a virus? Virus as distinguished from bacteria.

This may be useful.  Knowledge is power.

Please reflect upon this information.  Does it change your thought process on the current health crisis?  What other sources of information can you pursue?

Research as inquiry means finding what you need to know to stay healthy and prosper.

4 thoughts on “Video: What is a virus? Virus as distinguished from bacteria.”

  1. Since the on-going situation, in this world , the “Coronavirus-pandemic” has created a ruckus, effecting everyone in every possible way. Schools have been shut down fearing, that someone may have it, people are losing control over it, people are becoming racist towards each other. Hospitals are becoming over-crowded which they are breaking the 6ft distance rule, we all are running out of space to help out sick patients. Nurses that do eight-hour shifts have overnight shifts. Every second, the monitor goes off signaling a new sick patient has arrived. It definitely has changed my thinking about the current health crisis because we should’ve been prepared, we should’ve had an early warning before it went out, a proper lockdown would be much better. Working at a hospital, overnight shifts are crazy people are hard to see, putting our own lives at risk we enter through those doors to assist them.

  2. After watching the youtube video, “Viruses vs. Bacteria | What’s The Difference?”, I was informed of the major differences between a Virus and a Bacterial infection. In the video, Dr. Finch goes into detail about how both viruses and bacteria are microscopic and can cause severe illnesses to humans, plants and animals. With the Corona virus spreading faster than ever, it’s important to take the difference between these severities seriously. Dr Finch explained that viruses are very small and they need a host in order to reproduce. Knowing this, I began to understand more and more that when people dont take washing their hands or having good hygiene seriously, it puts more than just them at risk. The fact that we are at a level of social distancing at this point when we only had our first case in America a month or so ago is serious. It makes me realize how severe this situation is getting. Practicing social distancing can hopefully lower the amount of new cases. Unfortunately people aren’t taking it as seriously and the virus is spreading at an excessive rate that now we have over one million cases in the world. I know as an individual I could continue staying home and keeping up to date with everything that’s going on in order to not spread potential germs to the young and the elderly.

  3. After watching the youtube video, “Viruses vs. Bacteria | What’s The Difference?”, I was informed of the major differences between a Virus and a Bacterial infection. In the video, Dr. Finch goes into detail about how both viruses and bacteria are microscopic and can cause severe illnesses to humans, plants and animals. With the Corona virus spreading faster than ever, it’s important to take the difference between these severities seriously. Dr Finch explained that viruses are very small and they need a host in order to reproduce. Knowing this, I began to understand more and more that when people dont take washing their hands or having good hygiene seriously, it puts more than just them at risk. The fact that we are at a level of social distancing at this point when we only had our first case in America a month or so ago is serious. It makes me realize how severe this situation is getting. Practicing social distancing can hopefully lower the amount of new cases. Unfortunately people aren’t taking it as seriously and the virus is spreading at an excessive rate that now we have over one million cases in the world. I know as an individual I could continue staying home and keeping up to date with everything that’s going on in order to not spread potential germs to the young and the elderly.

  4. Dr. Finch in the video “Viruses vs. Bacteria | What’s The Difference?” informed me about the differences between Viruses and Bacteria. Bacteria can reproduce by itself, but Viruses need a host in order to produce. Bacteria isn’t all that bad either, as some bacteria are actually good for our body and helps us break down food. However, going back to viruses… Viruses essentially hijack the cell’s, as Dr. Finch says “manufacturing equipment.” By hijacking the equipment it creates a “virus factory” (Dr. Finch). Then, the virus spreads to other cells.

    Personally I watch videos from a YouTuber called Doctor Mike. He usually fact checks medical rumors that have gone around due to misinformation. However, with the coronavirus being a current issue, he has gone into detail what is true and what isn’t true. I’m not a person who watches the news, so most of the time I go watch his videos to see what is true and what is false. Dr. Mike also gives advice on how to take care of yourself during the coronavirus. A week ago Dr. Mike has interviewed Dr. Fauci on the coronavirus matter. The video is titled “Doctor Mike Interviews Dr. Fauci On COVID19.” As for the credibility of Dr. Mike, he is actually quite credible. Sometimes Youtubers make false claims that they are professionals, but Dr. Mike provides his medical information on the about tab on his YouTube channel. I also copied and pasted his name into google and found his information on a website called Atlantic Health System. For example, “Dr. Mikhail Varshavski, better known as “Dr. Mike,” is a primary care physician at Chatham Family Medicine. He believes in preventive care and in educating individuals on how small lifestyle changes can make a big impact on the quality of life as well as health outcomes.” (Atlantic Health System).

    As for my thought process on the current health crisis, I really would just like to state how important it is to get credible information. During this health crisis, many people have gone into a panic. Panic leads to miss information. I believe not too long ago there had to be a ban on guns because people were purchasing an abundance of firearms. Then, I hear someone playing the purge on speaking, which doesn’t help at all. People seem to think the end of the world is coming. That is a conversation I will not be getting into, but people are in a state of panic. The information they hear may not be accurate, but if someone says it’s true then it is true. We have essentially a game of telephone of mass miscommunication in regards to the coronavirus. This misinformation can bring more issues, such as more people being hospitalized for trying a wonder drug to get rid of the virus. That’s why I think despite the climate of the situation, people should be reading and looking for credible information. With credible information, we can have a better plan of attack.

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