Questions on Wilentz. Write a 400-600 word reflection on Wilentz in relation to Hannah-Jones

In the story “American Slavery” and “The Relentless Unforeseen” by Sean Wilentz it talks mainly about how slavery was unavoidable meaning it couldve been prevented because of the Moral Revolution in the 1740s. On the other hand we have Hannah Jones “1619 Project”whose main point is to talk about the negative view of how Americans have for many centuries have hurt the African American population for a long time. During the moral Revolution people were  managing to have full power over society. That was the beginning of slavery. On the other hand we have Wilentz who thought in effort explained how slavery ended in a arupted situation between the abolitionist and anti abolitionist. 

 Fredrick Douglass and John Brown who have been the example of showing how people are being treated especially the African American community. While, Jones perecpation of slavery is overall negative and acts as if American is the enenmy in her article it explains the pain and torture that African Americans face and examples of people like Harriet Tubman took the courage to go against slavery. Some of the successful things that Harriet Tubman did along others who were against slavery was the underground railroad which was a passageway for freedom.  But, what people forget that people ran for their lives because they would escape from their masters and seek freedom in the north

Hannah Jones makes a good perception of how America is not justibale as it is to protect all alienable rights of citizens especially in times like slavery where under the constition they were seen as less and bought for merchandise. Jones also included that their were people who were up against slavery becuase they thought that it was unfair and just morally wrong for people to be sold on a daily basis.Throughout the 1700s it took America to finally realize the amount of corruption that was just laid on everyones daily lives. The nation that is based on freedom, and taking that freedom and not giving to everyone on this land which in fact was seen racially wrong but once again people were ignorant. The abolishment of slavery was a success for the future of this country but was an establishment for the growth of a newborn country. 

Wilentz’s statement is very symbolic he says, “Because the ideals that propelled the American Revolution shared crucial origins with the ideals that propelled antislavery, it can be tempting to treat slavery as a terrible appendage to American history, an important but also doomed institution at the nation’s founding”. This is an opposition of Hannah Jones’s view of slavery showing how cruel it was to do this to “people”. But in the end both authors can’t relate to what people like Harriet Tubman and Fredrick Douglass went throught becuse it wasn’t their time they tell stories from what they’ve heard but it still gives us an idea of how slavery was seen and how it was abolished whether it was for the best or the worst.In the end Wilentz understands the histroy of slavery while Hannah has a more biased or personal connection to this issue.


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