Frederick Douglass

The article from Learning to read and write by Frederick Douglass. It is basically that the teaching that Afromericans had was not adequately treated. This closely resembles the articles by Hanna Jones and Wilentz because in one part of the excerpt the author says that the person who gave him had irresponsible power did not teach him how he should be and treated him as a brute. An insult that until that time was still used to marginalize people. The strongest thing is that in the article it is mentioned that being treated as human beings was something considered “bad” and “dangerous” that ideals even white people had of superiority. The prohibition for a black man to read even success. The suffering felt by blacks who could read was very high since their masters expected more from them much more than the others. The pressure consumed them. Learning to write was too difficult for slaves since it was prohibited but the author mentions that he had to make an effort and copy all the words until he learned them and was able to write without problem. Everything is possible slaves were intelligent people as mentioned in Hannah Jones’ article if it had not been for them this country would not be the same.

What genre would you call this article on the viral epidemic?

The new things that we need to do for the COVID-19 are unusual is something that we can forget o how the author says that we can think that is exaggerated ourselves. This virus is changing completely our lives. We are unconsciousness of simple things, like shake your hands could be the transportation of millions of viruses before, we didn’t have to worry about that but now we have to. I saw in the news yesterday that the packages also con be a way that you can get the COVID19. Are something that many people don’t know and Amazon’s company doesn’t care at all. Many workers complain about that problem because in that company 2 workers showed positive in the COVID19 test and they didn’t do anything they don’t want to close the company for 2 weeks it is the best season in the year because the people do more online shopping. But the problem is if the workers are sick and they cough in the package the consumer can get the disease. Nothing is safe now it is something that scares everyone. The article is something shocking that made me feel very strange. It gave me chills. I can’t believe everything that can happen before you realize that you are sick and everything that happens is even worse. I hope that soon they find the cure for this deadly virus and everything goes back to normal.
The genre that calls I think that for everyone both young and old. It is something that we all must read in order to know everything we expose when we are close to something or someone.

Novel Corona Virus

One of the strongest and most damaging viruses of all time is taking root with almost everyone. This pandemic has affected many jobs and schools across the United States. But how much more time will pass to get out of this big problem. This problem depends on all of us since many people have not been paying attention to the precautions and the adequate quarantine that we must have. This virus has been so deadly that in many countries it presents so many cases that they do not have enough space for all the saddest and what I have known so far is that in those countries like Italy they have to decide who will die, in order to leave the others people who “really need”. But the problem is that people do not take seriously this big problem. Many people keep dating, you do not take the necessary precautions, they think it is a joke, and this is not true, and you must be aware that we must take care of ourselves and others. In many countries the borders have been closed but what about people who are in other countries as they will return to see their families who plow in that strange country. Everyone has been affected the jobs. But my question is that no one has spoken, who will give them money for rent or food for those people who live daily or for those who keep their families at a distance. One of the things I did not know is that SARS-CoV-2 survives no more than a day in cardboard and approximately two or three days in steel and plastic. Many people are also unconscious and reuse plastic gloves do not throw them away after using them. It is something that everyone should take into account and take strict measures.

American Slavery and ‘the Relentless Unforeseen’

In American Slavery and ‘the Relentless Unforeseen’ reading by Sean Wilentz. I can see that he not only sees Americans as those who contributed to the speech of other slaves. Talk about why society was so cruel and hypocritical in allowing all these abuses towards people who couldn’t defend themselves how they had that heart to use them that way to mistreat them like that. He talks about slavery in Europe is essential to a European settlement in the New World. He connects with Hannah Jones because like her he expresses that the European slaves also helped to improve the country with their effort and work. In the same way, they were humiliated and belittled when they did all the heavy lifting. The author talks about what the brutal slave trade was like in the Atlantic since there was no political interest in this. My question is why governments allowed that. What was the purpose of mistreating people? They were unscrupulous people who had no family or who did not feel well inside. Having that hard heart of not taking importance towards the suffering of others. Does money make people hard and without feelings? Everything seems to change decades later where anti-slavery activists appear. Where they carry out various types of reforms where they blame that slavery is considered pure evil. These activists were people with power or slaves? How they managed to reach so many people and make a change for the slaves. What motivated them to want to make a change. Back then there were still good people who did not want to do any harm to poor and defenseless people. Not because they had money they despised slaves, instead they used their money and power to convince other politicians to eradicate the degradation of property. The slaves fought hard to give the new world a symbolic meaning which was that of rebirth, the whole fight, the transformation on their part made all this change possible.

Slavery helps the foundation of the nation because of the ideals of the revolution. All of this triggered a desire for freedom for all. There was a time when the southern United States became the world’s most ambitious slavery regime. Slavery in the United States had not completely disappeared until emancipation arrived where a “new birth of freedom” was developed that was made by Lincoln in 1863. Slavery grew enormously after the Revolution, where they dominated national politics due to a very well organized slave power. Americans justified racism as an aspect of life. To this day, many Americans agree that people not born here cannot have the same privilege that they do. But the problem is that those ideals that they have come from the past are people who have not suffered and have not had a hard life, they are people who come from good families. Families with money that have all the opportunities so they do not see the effort that undocumented people make to get here, many of them leaving everything in the country of origin. Many people are raped, outraged or even beaten for having the dream of a better life. If those people had good opportunities in their own countries they would not risk as much, but they did not have the same opportunities as the Americans to grow up in a family with money and opportunities. Many Americans look down on immigrant people for not studying or not knowing English. But that is something that must change. I hope that in time these things improve and this country continues to give more opportunities to the least needy.

Reflection Hannah-Jones, Intro to 1619

The Hanna Jones Project is basically about how African-Americans achieved the ideals of freedom and how they could have equality in America. One of the greatest achievements African Americans had was the exposure to cotton. She always thought of the role of African-Americans. She always emphasized that great things were achieved by them in America. She speaks as Great Britain fought for years against intense parliamentary resistance after Somerset. This can relate to the caravans of migrants who recently arrived. Each person came with a speech in the hope of improving life with something that would change their lives and their families.

In my opinion, not all people living in America are racist as anywhere there is always going to be people who have different thinking or who don’t like other people. The racist thing isn’t just in the U.S. it’s all over the world. Many activists try to make them understand that we are all equal and that there is no difference between us. But many people are flattered to believe the same better than others and that depends on each person how or in what environment they grew up. I feel like these people are very difficult to change as it’s something they carry inside.

Slaves and people on the street relate in some way as they were low-income. They just lost everything. We are like rich people who had slaves, as we are well economically we do not care about what conditions the people of the street are in. As long as we don’t get into a problem where we meet in the same situation, we don’t do anything to make that change.

The idea of Hanna Jones of that our society should be fair since we are all equal. We have the same rights and opportunities. No one can make you feel different because you can do great things too. Nothing to do with your race, or skin color, we’re all capable of doing whatever we set out to do. If we want to change society, we must start the change in ourselves first.