Reflection Hannah-Jones, Intro to 1619

The Hanna Jones Project is basically about how African-Americans achieved the ideals of freedom and how they could have equality in America. One of the greatest achievements African Americans had was the exposure to cotton. She always thought of the role of African-Americans. She always emphasized that great things were achieved by them in America. She speaks as Great Britain fought for years against intense parliamentary resistance after Somerset. This can relate to the caravans of migrants who recently arrived. Each person came with a speech in the hope of improving life with something that would change their lives and their families.

In my opinion, not all people living in America are racist as anywhere there is always going to be people who have different thinking or who don’t like other people. The racist thing isn’t just in the U.S. it’s all over the world. Many activists try to make them understand that we are all equal and that there is no difference between us. But many people are flattered to believe the same better than others and that depends on each person how or in what environment they grew up. I feel like these people are very difficult to change as it’s something they carry inside.

Slaves and people on the street relate in some way as they were low-income. They just lost everything. We are like rich people who had slaves, as we are well economically we do not care about what conditions the people of the street are in. As long as we don’t get into a problem where we meet in the same situation, we don’t do anything to make that change.

The idea of Hanna Jones of that our society should be fair since we are all equal. We have the same rights and opportunities. No one can make you feel different because you can do great things too. Nothing to do with your race, or skin color, we’re all capable of doing whatever we set out to do. If we want to change society, we must start the change in ourselves first.

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