Fall 2016 - Professor Kate Poirier

Category: Homework (Page 3 of 3)


Hi everyone, I’m Abdelmajid, I grew up in Morocco, I came to the USA 7 years ago and since then I have always lived in NYC  .I have visited some other beautiful states but NYC is the best; it is an amazing city. I speak 4 languages: Amazigh witch is my native language, Arabic, French( studied it for 10 years in school) and English.

Math was always my favorite subject in school. and since I remember I have always been in a position where I have to teach and explain a math problem to one of my classmates. I was the math teacher In my family  during my school years in morocco( note: very bad on other subjects. mostly history). sometimes I go to visit my relatives and their kids would meet me with math problems by the the door asking me for help, and it was a good feeling. It always feels exciting when I explain a math problem to someone and that’s how I became interested in math. topics that I I love in math,  I would say all of the topics. I think classifying topics in math is a bad idea  because once a student says I hate that topic…. he will not learn it. and that is bad for us as a future graduates. I believe  that  Once you love something you love every thing about it.

About mathematics software’s I have used Maple and Matlab but not good at them. I also used a Geogebra once in a research paper last semester and I liked it, I think it is more useful. I’m hopping to learn more about theses software s and become good at them.

My plans is to get a bachelor degree, teach high school for a couple years and then go for my Master and PHD degree. Teaching college is where I want to land and hopefully do some good research.

I’m a yellow cab driver it is  a job and a hobbies in the same time because I like driving in general.   I’m very interested in movies especially action and because of that I started writing movie scripts, that allows me to practice my English writing. As you can say I’m still struggling with my English writing.  Another thing I like to do is play soccer, I loved the game since I was a kid.

One last thing, my first name is long so  you guys can called me Magid and am very excited to be with you in this class.

Introducing Luis Lora

Allow me to reintroduce myself my name is Luis. Born on the planet Earth on an island they call North America. A specific place you might ask? That information need not be spoken just think of it as the imaginary number I. It exists in certain cases but, not really. I recently came back from a trip from the south that has rendered me still in vacation mode. The trip has opened my perspective of the land I live on. New York City seems to crowded. I speak fluently two languages but, have taken French and sign language and mathematics.  I became interested in mathematics when I found out how much of our world can be expressed using mathematics. My other passion is physics which, I would really like to obtain a degree in. I haven’t chosen a specific subject yet though. I don’t necessarily have a favorite topic or subject in mathematics but, one of the most enjoyable classes have been trigonometry and calculus two because of its level of difficulty and generally good time solving problems. I haven’t used many electronic devices or applications for math haha  just kidding I almost started collecting calculators as a hobby. No I don’t know how to use them all to their 100% ability. I have used this other application for calculus lab here at city tech called Maple. The program was a tad bothersome some times because of all the commands I needed to input and sometimes I would get lost and couldn’t really fix it myself. I am interested in learning about all the technologies available for teachers in order to be considered technologically savvy in mathematics. After graduating City Tech, I hope to further my studies in mathematics and education and teach middle school. One day I’d like to work in the field of physics and maybe work on some of the worlds unexplained phenomena.


Yet, the summer ended. We are back in class, and my head and mind reset in motion and gear up to get in motion. I still have so many things to learn to improve myself to be a well- prepared person with critical thinking about teaching.

I come from China. Chinese is first my language, and I also speak some proper Spanish. I was grown up in a small town, and my family lived in a small place in a small town. Life was hard; public education was not accessible for every children because the cost was too high. Especially, my family, me and my two sisters, it was very difficult to pay for the tuition and all expense. My parents had to work very hard to support us to stay in school.

Now in America, as an immigrant, language was my first priority problem when I came here. English was difficult for me to transfer my thoughts clearly as I wanted to. After ten days’ going back and forth to the Department of Education and high school, I began my first day in American high school. Fort Hamilton High School – the most beautiful and advanced one that I had never seen in my hometown. I was excited about everything surround me especially the people who speak American English. The supervisor of the Language Department arranged me in an ESL class. I felt comfortable when I saw Chinese in the class.

When I was little girl, I used to dreamed to be a police woman many times, also a supermarket owner, a lawyer, etc. As time passed by, when my headmaster in high school asked me what I want to be in the future, I answered that I wanted to be a dedicated person that can contribute to the society. Gradually, I found the dream being a police woman fades out. And the dream to be a teacher is taking place.

I chose to be Mathematics teaching because I realized that learning Mathematics can be productive if we learn by hands-on approaches with open minds. It is not about reading and doing homework assignments, which is not enough for learning Mathematics.

I love the MEDU 1021 class very much. Before I entered this class, I did not know that teaching has so much fun by hands-on activities. That was a Mathematics class but more about how to teach and learn mathematics by working together. We worked on the problems in groups and then shared with the whole class; we learned by group discussions. We listened and gave feedback to other peers; we learned by critical listening and thinking. We presented our topics and responses to “students”; we learned by actual practice ourselves as future teachers. In this class, each of us learned at the same pace because the content knowledge is within our pre-knowledge. We learned more from ourselves as we made progress. The least I love about Mathematics is rote memorization of formulas because I think that is the most difficult part for me to learn something new.

I learned Maple to compute and graph in Borough of Manhattan Community College. Also, I learned some basic coding in R in the summer’s Mathematics research from Prof. Bessonov. In this class, I want to learn some software that are being widely used in secondly schools. I have seen a teacher in City Poly High School who used her cell phone to scan students’ answers and presented the bar chart in the class. I believe that must be a new program because my teachers from high school never taught class that way.

In CityTech I have learned many requirements and internships which will help me to succeed my dream of teaching profession, and school has opened many doors to many programs such as Peer leading, Noyce, CSTEP, PERC, I will need the school to assist me in my future plan that I wish to be a teacher after graduated from here. At the same time I will continue to pursue my Master degree in teaching. I will need a lot of help and guidance here in CityTech. Shortly, I want to pass the required certificate tests before completing my Bachelor’s degree. Besides learning, I also love swimming even though I just learned how to swim this summer. I found it very interesting and healthy.


Introducing Soanam Gyamtso

I grew up in Tibet, I speak Tibetan, Chinese, and English. I came to United States five years ago.

Since I was in elementary school,  I am interested in History and Math. I love history because it tells you a lot of interesting stories happened long long time ago. And math, I did not really liked it  at the beginning, until Ms.Kang Ruo became my math teacher when I was forth grade. I liked the way she taught us Math, and I started like math after that too.

When I was in the high school, I believed that graphing calculator was a very helpful tool for my math class. other than that I also think Maple is a great tool  for solving advance  Math problems.


I hope I can get  best grates I can get from all the classes.  And become a qualified teacher at the end.

Welcome and Homework #1 – due Tuesday, August 30

Welcome to MEDU 2010! This OpenLab site is your home base for the course. All course information, assignments, deadlines will be posted here. You’ll also use this site for class discussion and to submit your own work. Take a look around and check back regularly.

Your first assignment is to submit an OpenLab post introducing yourself to the class. Here are the details:

Due: Tuesday, August 30 2:29pm 

  1. Sign up for an OpenLab account (if you don’t have one already; requires a CityTech email address) and add yourself to this course.
  2. From any page on the course site, click the “+” symbol at the top of the screen to begin a new post.
  3. Title your post: “Introducing [your first name] [your last name]”
  4. In the body of your post, briefly tell us anything you’d like us to know about you! Some suggestions are…
    • Where did you grow up? What languages do you speak?
    • How or when did you become interested in math/math education?
    • What are your most and least favorite math topics?
    • What type of technology have you used in class before? What type of technology are you interested in learning about in this class?
    • What do you hope to do after you graduate from CityTech; short-term goals, long-term goals, whatever…
    • Other cool interests/hobbies you have
  5. Before you submit your post, select the HW#1: Introduce yourself category from the right-hand side of the screen.
  6. Read and comment on your classmates’ posts. (Note: the administrator will have to approve your comments, so don’t be surprised if they don’t appear right away.)
  7. If there’s anything I should know about you, but you don’t want the whole class to know it (for example, if you have permission to receive accommodations during tests) please discuss this with me in person.

Keep your eyes peeled…I’ll submit a post introducing myself too!


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