Course Information

Course Number: MAT 2580

Course Title: Introduction to Linear Algebra

Course Outline: Available on the math department website here

Course Description:

An introductory course in Linear Algebra. Topics include vectors, vector spaces, systems of linear equations, linear transformations, properties of matrices, determinants, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors

Credits / Hours: 3

Section Number: D710

Pre- or co-requisite: MAT 1575

Textbook: K. Kuttler: A First Course in Linear Algebra, free online PDF available here

Online Spaces

  • OpenLab: This website will be the online home for our class. The site contains important information about the course, and will be used in various ways throughout the semester.
  • WeBWorK:  Much of the homework for this class will be completed on the WeBWorK system.  You will be provided with more information in the first week of class.
  • Brightspace: We will likely not be using the new learning management system Brightspace (replaces Blackboard) much this semester. Make sure your contact information there is current.
  • Dropbox: CUNY has provided all students with Dropbox accounts with large storage limits. We may or may not use Dropbox. Information and a login link are posted here.
  • CUNYFirst: CUNYFirst is where you can go to add or drop courses and see your grades. Make sure your contact information there is current.

In-person Location:

  • Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:30am to 9:45am, Namm 702

Faculty Information

Professor Name:

  • Kate Poirier

Office Hours/Information: For information about office hours, visit Contact Info & Communications.

Contact Information

  • Email:

Course Intended Learning Outcomes

  1. Solve systems of linear equations using matrices.
  2. Identify and use vector properties (spaces, subspaces, bases, inner product).
  3. Identify properties of matrices (invertibility, eigenvalues, eigenvectors).
  4. Use computer technology to assist in the above.

General Education Learning Outcomes

  1. Gather, interpret, evaluate, and apply information discerningly from a variety of sources.
  2. Understand and employ both quantitative and
    qualitative analysis to solve problems.
  3. Employ scientific reasoning and logical thinking.
  4. Communicate effectively using written and oral means.
  5. Acquire tools for lifelong learning.
  6. Utilize computer based technology in accessing information, solving problems and communicating.


A detailed schedule of topics can be found on the Schedule page.

Percent/Letter Grade conversion

A = 93.0 — 100
A- = 90.0 — 92.9
B+ = 87.0 — 89.9
B = 83.0 — 86.9
B- = 80.0 — 82.9
C+ = 77.0 — 79.9
C = 70.0 — 76.9
D = 60.0 — 69.9
F = 0 — 59.9
W = withdrawal up to Wednesday, May 15

Grading Policy

The grading policy for the course appears on the Grading Policy page.

College Academic Integrity Policy

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting and citation of sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the college recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension and expulsion. More information about the College’s policy on Academic Integrity may be found in the College Catalog

Please see the our class’s academic integrity policy here.


Students with disabilities recognized by the Center for Student Accessibility should coordinate arrangements for official accommodations with their instructor and with the Center. Other students with disabilities—visible disabilities or invisible disabilities such as chronic illnesses—are encouraged to discuss their situations with their instructor—if they are comfortable doing so—so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

Drop Date

The last day to withdraw officially from the class is Wednesday, November 6. If you are still enrolled but stop attending after this date, you are in danger of receiving a grade of F or WU (unofficial withdrawal).

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