Introducing Ivan Chen

My major is Computer Information System. I chose this major because many of my friends are in computer major as well. This is my 3rd years in CityTech, I’ve taken many course for my major, but many of them has no hands on, so it doesn’t help me much on becoming a programmer. I decided to take discrete math class first, so it prepares myself to go into higher level course, I had taking discrete math with Henry Africk, He taught us in a passion way that we all understand every stuffs on the chapter, I feels very confident in most of the chapters because he do many examples for us to understand everything’s in chapter. I continue to take discrete math because  its helpful to my major, I’d know discrete math ll is going to be more difficult than discrete l, Im willing to learn and study.

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introducing Jose Nunez

My major is computer science. I chose that major because it has two of my favorite things that is math and computer. I like math because it help me to figure problem in the real work more faster. I chose this major also because this major opens a lot of doors in different fields of where to work at. One of my dreams that I would like to work on Wall Street and I think this major can make this possible for me.

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Introducing Miguel Castillo

My major is Applied Mathematics, financial concentration. I chose this major because I like to work with numbers. Math is an interesting subject, my friends tell me that I am crazy to choose it as my major. Having 3-4 math classes a semester really scares people haha. I hope to become a statistician or actuary after I graduate. I am interested in Recursive Algorithms. My hobbies include, sports, reading and video games.

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Introducing Juan Ramirez

My major is Applied Mathematics – Financial Science. The reason I chose this major is because since middle school I have been in the math program. The two topics I enjoyed from MAT 2440 were algorithms and cryptography. My hobbies include reading, photography and martial arts.

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Introducing Christian Guerrero

My major is Computer Science. I chose this major because I find how computers function intriguing  and I like math even though it does not come natural for me. I am looking forward to learning how to create algorithms to help the computer perform complex tasks. My favorite topics in Math 2440 had to be the truth and membership tables as well as the Math Induction Proofs. I plan to transfer for my Bachelor after I finish my associate here at City Tech and planning to do my masters. My favorites hobbies are sports, reading, watching movies my favorite genres are mystery/thriller. I am looking forward to a productive semester.

~Christian Guerrero

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Introducing Brian Gil

Hello everybody, I’m a Computer Science major. Ever since I came to New York not long ago I started getting interested in computers. However math has always been something I could adore most of the time. After I graduate here, I will transfer to another college to finish my Bachelors in CS. I guess the topic that I found interesting from the previous course was the modular exponentiation. Even though it had very long steps I would always remember each step sequentially. After completing this course I look forward in knowing even more of this topic whether its proofs or coded algorithms. I like to hear music. A lot. And as long as I put my head in this game, it will be a promising semester.

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Introducing Peter Torio

Hello, My name is Peter. I’m a computer science major, I got interested interested in programming when I was in elementary playing with Logo, making the turtle move and draw shapes that I wanted. Hoping to get an internship for a software development company after I graduate. Topic that I was interested in MAT 2440 was Proofs, Pseudocode, and Cryptoghraphy. I hope to get more of these in this class. I usually play Airsoft on my weekends off, practice on my programming skills, and sleep.(sleep is nice.)

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Links from today’s class

I just wanted to call your attention to the Links page of our OpenLab site; I’ve updated it with links to the food-photo algorithm and the halting problem video that we looked at in class today.

Our discussion of the halting problem was  a little rushed today, so my plan is to spend a couple of minutes on it at the beginning of Monday’s class. After that, we’ll get started on section 3.2 on the growth of functions (big-O notation, etc).

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Introducing Jose Betance

My name is Jose Betance

I am a senior in the CST program as a database major.  I have penchant for database because I found it through one of my early introductory classes and really dig it. Most of my time is tinkering with Linux and building computers to practice computer clustering.

Math has always been just “OK” for me to get by and feel that I will do just fine in the class and wish everybody good luck!





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Homework due and quiz #1 – Wednesday, February 10

We’ve completed section 3.1, so you should be able to complete all the practice problem from 3.1 now (listed on the calendar). I highly recommend using these problems as practice before attempting the official homework problems listed below; solutions of odd-numbered problems appear in the back of your textbook, so you can check your work. In fact, I recommend practicing with the odd-numbered problems and then attempting the official problems below without consulting your notes or the textbook at all, to test yourself. Of course, make sure you have beautiful notes with 100% correct solutions of the official questions before Wednesday. Remember that the quiz question will be selected from this list. You can copy your solution from your homework notes to the quiz paper, but you won’t be allowed to use your textbook or your notebook for the quiz. If you’re copying from your notes, you’ll be required to hand them in for possible extra credit. You’ll receive extra credit only for assignments that are complete, organized, and readable. (Remember that it may take me longer than usual to grade and return these extra-credit homework assignments, so make sure you keep notes for yourself.)

Official homework: section 3.1, #4, 6, 8, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32

Edit: Answers for this set should be hand-written in pseudocode.

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