Author Archives: Kate Poirier

Quiz #4 Results

Below you’ll see photos of your graded group quizzes from last week. It was a fun exercise, but perhaps not the most successful one in the whole world. Both groups lost out by not explaining their steps, though both groups … Continue reading

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Binary Search Tree Algorithm

procedure insertion( : binary search tree, : item) root of {a vertex not present in has the value null } while and    if then     if left child of then left child of     else add new vertex as a left … Continue reading

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Big O Example – Graph

Hi everyone. I see that many of you have submitted your Test #1 review exercises and are making corrections already…that’s great! I’ll take a look at them tomorrow after class. Don’t forget to tag your post with the category “Test … Continue reading

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Test #1 and OpenLab Review Assignment

Test #1 will be given in class next Wednesday, March 9. (The calendar has not yet been updated to reflect this.) Your review assignment is due by 8am on Monday, March 7. Select one of the practice problems listed in … Continue reading

Posted in Homework, Test #1 Review | 1 Comment

Homework due and quiz #4 – Wednesday, March 2

Section 3.3: #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 26, 30, 32…with the following modifications: Hand in solutions for questions 1-5 (including the odd ones). Those questions ask for big- estimates; instead give big- estimates for each. (This sounds like it’d be … Continue reading

Posted in Homework, Quizzes | 2 Comments

Complexity of the linear search algorithm

Benjamin asked a great question after class today. The linear search algorithm is: procedure linear search(: integer, : distinct integers while( and )     if then location: else location:= return location We said that we were usually interested in … Continue reading

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Homework due and quiz #3 – Wednesday, February 24

Section 3.2 #28, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37

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Quiz #1 – comments

Here is one correct algorithm that locates the position of the largest even integer in a set of integers: procedure largest even location ( : integers) largest for to  if ( is even and largest) then      largest return {the … Continue reading

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Monday, February 15 is Presidents’ Day, so our next meeting is Wednesday, February 17. You’ll complete Quiz #2 (based on homework #2) then. Feel free to post discussion questions on the OpenLab at any time. Don’t forget to add the … Continue reading

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Homework due and quiz #2 – Wednesday, February 17

Section 3.2 #2, 8, 10, 16, and the following: (1) Assume that whenever is a positive integer. Use this to show that is . (2) Show that is . (3) Determine whether is or is not . (4) One algorithm … Continue reading

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