Monthly Archives: March 2016

Angel Garcia

  Section 11.7 Question 7

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Test #2 Review

Section 11.4-Exercise #14

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Test #2 Review – Christian Guerrero

Section 11.2 Number 22

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Announcements from today’s class + OpenLab review assignment

This Wednesday follows a Friday schedule, so I won’t see you again until Monday. Have a great weekend! Quiz #6/Homework #6 is due on Wednesday, March 30. Complete the following exercises to hand in: 11.2 #20, 38; 11.4 # 2, … Continue reading

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Links for Monday’s class

Here are two links that will be useful to have handy for Monday’s class: MTA Subway map A simpler version of the subway map Something you can think about before Monday is why 2 might be better than 1. Does … Continue reading

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Homework due and quiz #5 – Wednesday, March 16

Section 11.2 #2, 4, 6, 8, 12

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Quizzes 1-4

There was a request from the audience to recap the quiz questions from the semester so far. If you were present for all 4 quizzes, your graded solutions are in your blue book and you can ignore the rest of … Continue reading

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3.1 #25

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Test#1 Review-Jose Betance

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Test #1 Review 3.3#4


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