Professor Kate Poirier, Spring 2017

Author: Shannon Lewis

Introducing Shannon Lewis

 Hello, my name is Shannon Lewis and I am in my last year of being a  Biomedical Informatics Major. When i graduate from City Tech , I just want a job that will put my degree to good use and get closer on the path of starting my career, a career that is more along the lines of Health Administration or anything along the lines of health care. Also, eventually I may  also want to enroll into Graduate School but I am not sure yet. Even though I registered pretty late and this was one of the only classes that fit into my schedule, I would like to know more about this subject since I have never heard of it before and how I can apply it to real life situations. Besides this, my hobbies are reading and hanging out with friends while having a good time. I also like to travel when I have a chance to do so.