Professor Kate Poirier, Spring 2017

Author: Kate Poirier (Page 1 of 3)

Grades submitted

Your final grades have been submitted to the registrar. You can see the grade breakdown in Blackboard’s gradebook. Check the OpenLab grading page for the grading scheme. The item labelled “Spring Break Project” is the maximum of two grades, either your code-breaking assignment or your Quiz #7 (the one based on your independent study over spring break).

A number of you have final exam grades that are better than your in-class test grades. I’m glad you prepared so well! Please remember that you are all capable of earning the grades that you want, it just takes consistent hard work throughout the semester. Have a great summer and best of luck in the future!

Final exam seating plan


Mahrukh Chris Ka Yat Juliano  Syed          Tariq Javed  Christian Francis Shannon

Lillian Kemoy Mario David Kazi         Yaqoob Joshua  Shah Kenny Jose

Jason Mohammad R.  Fuad Geovanny         Elbert Iscah Myrka Jiayu Mohammed G.

Final exam topics

The course outline contains a list of all textbook sections that can appear on the final exam. Your exam will not have questions from 11.3, 11.4, or 11.5, but all other sections are fair game.

Remember that Tuesday’s class is reserved as a review session. I am not preparing anything for this class. You should pretend that the final exam is on Tuesday. That way we can use the time to discuss only the topics that you all are still struggling with. Practice problems from the homework, quizzes, and tests.

I will hold my usual office hours on Tuesday: 11am-1pm in N707.

Your final exam will be given during usual class time on Thursday, May 25 (only one more week!).

Test #3 solutions

Please go ahead and submit solutions for Test #3 questions as OpenLab posts. Don’t forget to select the “Test #3” category from the right-hand side of the screen before publishing your post.

The deadline to post is 2:15pm on Thursday, May 25.

This week in the Math Club

This week’s math club talk is about Turing Machines and should be of interest to those studying computer science or computer systems.

The club meets on Thursdays in N719 from 12:45 to 2pm (and provides you with free pizza!).

You can find the abstract for all the talks here:



  • Quiz #8 this Thursday will cover material/homework from sections 5.1 and 5.2.
  • Test #3 will be given in class next Thursday, May 11. It will cover 4.5, 4.6, 10.1, 10.2, 10.4 , and 5.1-5.5.
  • You are still welcome to add Test #2 Solutions posts to the OpenLab for participation credit; don’t forget to tag the “Test #2 Solutions” category.
  • One of my homework problems from last Thursday’s class was to prove or disprove Kazi’s formula for 5.1 homework #10(a). I don’t have a record of my own boardwork from Thursday, so I can’t point out exactly where my mistake was. Kazi’s formula was correct. The proof is actually quite straightforward and I’ve attached a photo of my hand-written work to this post. Let me know if you have any questions.


I hope everyone had a good break!

  • Our regular office hours and class hours resume tomorrow (Tuesday).
  • Bring the files for your MATLAB assignment with you to class tomorrow.
  • Quiz #7 on Thursday will cover material/homework from 4.5, 4.6, 10.1, 10.2, and 10.4.
  • There is a forum on campus at 12:45 tomorrow for students with questions/concerns about immigration rights. Information here. If this issue affects you or someone you know, I encourage you to attend the forum.

Test #2 and midterm grades

I hope everyone is enjoying the break so far!

Test #2 and midterm grades are now available in Blackboard.

Your midterm grade is a rough calculation of how you are doing in the class so far. To calculate it, each of your two tests is worth one third and your quiz average and participation are each worth one sixth.

I’m enjoying breaking your codes so far. Don’t forget about your spring break assignments. See you on April 25!


  • Thanks to Chris for pointing out that student licenses for MATLAB are available from CityTech! Choose MathWorks here. Now you can download MATLAB to your own computer for your spring break assignment (instead of Scilab, the free alternative I mentioned in class).
  • Your Test #2 grades will be available on Blackboard as soon as they’re available (sometime during the break). You will also be assigned a rough mid-semester grade there. The last day to withdraw from the course is April 19, so you will have this grade information available before then so you can make an informed decision. If you’re unsure about whether you should stay in the course, I can’t make an official recommendation, but I’m happy to talk with you about it over email.
  • Don’t forget about your three spring break assignments.
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