9e. Convert your answer from (c) to its hexadecimal expansion.
1827 = 16 * 114 + 3
114 = 16 * 7 + 2
7 = 16 * 0 + 7
= (723) base 16
Check: 7 * 16^2 + 2 * 16^1 + 3 * 16^0 = (1827) base 10.
Professor Kate Poirier, Spring 2017
9e. Convert your answer from (c) to its hexadecimal expansion.
1827 = 16 * 114 + 3
114 = 16 * 7 + 2
7 = 16 * 0 + 7
= (723) base 16
Check: 7 * 16^2 + 2 * 16^1 + 3 * 16^0 = (1827) base 10.
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