Professor Kate Poirier, Spring 2017

Introducing Brian Ceyko

My major is CST, I’m interested in Computer Science, because since I was a kid, I played video games, and wanted to be able to make my own.  I enjoyed video games, so wanted to become a programmer to be able to create games other people will enjoy, like how I enjoyed the ones I played.  I want to be able to find a job in programming, more oriented in making games and fun programs, I hope to find a good company to hire me when I graduate. I’d like to find a job where they train me a little, and see what I know, and not just hire me, expecting me to know everything. I don’t mean to completely train me, just to get me set up with what the company uses, and what they expect me to know to do my job.

I hope to learn interesting things from this course that math can be used to find. I prefer using math for practical uses, as opposed to some formula’s that are rarely ever used in the real world, other than among other mathematically inclined people.  From what we learned so far, it seems this math course will teach us logical ways to use math, since similar math is used in engineering and programming. It’s interesting that these methods can be used to determine whether a mechanic, or piece of code will work by thinking more like how a computer does when interpreting code.

The closest thing I have to a hobby is that sometimes I like to draw, or try to use paint programs to make images. I sometimes experiment with trying to make/edit music, but I don’t have as much experience doing so, and usually stop after a short time.

1 Comment

  1. francisirizarry

    Hmm, I would not say drawing/paint programs == programming/engineering; however, I suppose if you are able to develop something using graphical design and software (such as games) then it would fall under such category? Not entirely sure, Also, You should try to keep editing music, the more you try the better you will get, right ? (Maybe? Hopefully?) However, you do you, I personally would not trust myself to even try as I would make a horrible mess of tunes based off the frequency. Additionally, I also believe physics/calculus does show an aspect in which mathematics can be used to evaluate the world and it’s method of control, and sadly the unit circle is a huge part of a majority of things – including audio/media… Nevertheless, If you find an internship you’ll probably get the experience you are looking for, hopefully. Granted, I am not one to give advice, so take my advice with a pinch of salt (It’s an idiom, basically doubt everything I have said and will ever say)

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