Professor Kate Poirier, Spring 2017

Month: April 2017 (Page 2 of 3)


  • Thanks to Chris for pointing out that student licenses for MATLAB are available from CityTech! Choose MathWorks here. Now you can download MATLAB to your own computer for your spring break assignment (instead of Scilab, the free alternative I mentioned in class).
  • Your Test #2 grades will be available on Blackboard as soon as they’re available (sometime during the break). You will also be assigned a rough mid-semester grade there. The last day to withdraw from the course is April 19, so you will have this grade information available before then so you can make an informed decision. If you’re unsure about whether you should stay in the course, I can’t make an official recommendation, but I’m happy to talk with you about it over email.
  • Don’t forget about your three spring break assignments.

In-class Exercise algorithm in JavaScript

I know two other students wrote an algorithm in Java and C++, but I had finished my code right after class the other day and forgot to post on here. Incase others wanted to see another way to solve it, I used JavaScript.

background(255, 255, 255);
var m = 30;
var i = 0;
var x = 7;
var a = 19;
var c = 8;
var num, div, num1, mod;

while( i <10){
var change = (i+1) * 25;
num = (a*x)+c;
div = floor(num/ m);
num1 = div*30;
fill(0, 0, 0);
text(x, 100,change);
x= num-num1;

In the above code, I declared/ initialized some variables. I used a While loop using "i" as a counter. I have the variables outside the loop as a static number and "change", "num", "div", "num1", "x" as a variable inside the loop that will continuously change each time the program loops.

I hope this helps if anyone was confused, or wanted to see another solution. Feel free to message/ reply to this post if you have questions.

I attached a screenshot I took. I wrote the code in Khan Academy since the website lets you write programs and run them.

Also, the variable “change” is just used to format where I want the text to print the number. You can see that in the text command where I text “x” and then place it at 100 on the X-axis and the “change” is the Y-axis. The X- axis is always at 100 and the “change” keeps changing on the Y-axis by 25 pixels each loop.

Spring Break Assignments

  1. OpenLab code-breaking assignment (in teams); first post due by Tuesday April 11; others due Thursday April 13.
  2. MATLAB assignment; bring files with you to class on Tuesday, April 25.
  3. Complete the assigned exercises for Sections 10.1, 10.2, and 10.4 (20 questions total; most require an understanding of a particular definition). Quiz #7 on Thursday, April 27 will cover material/homework from these sections and/or 4.5 and 4.6. If there’s anything that’s still unclear by the end of the break, make sure to attend office hours on Tuesday, April 25.
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