MAT1575 Calculus II

Professor Kate Poirier | OL30 | Fall 2020

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Group assignment: practice exam (final exam review assignment part 1)

Due on the OpenLab Sunday, December 6, 11:59pm

Practice exams are available in WeBWorK. You can generate a new practice exam every 24 hours between now and December 15 by clicking on Take MAT-1575-Practice test. Just like for your tests, you can submit your answers only twice, but you can save your answers by clicking Preview.

This week’s assignment has an individual component and a group component.

Individual component

Generate at least one practice exam. The practice exam has 11 questions, each of which is aligned with one of the 11 HOT topics standards. Before you meet with your group on Thursday, label each of the 11 questions on your practice exam with its corresponding standard. Each standard and each question should be used only once.

Group component

Study groups are listed here.

While the WeBWorK practice exams have 11 questions, the actual final exam will have only 8 questions. Your job as a group is to come up with your own practice exam that has 8 questions. Assemble this 8-question group practice exam using the questions each of you have been assigned on your WeBWorK practice exam. Evaluate which of the questions make good final exam questions. Each HOT topic standard should appear at most one time on your 8-question group practice exam. Suggestion: choose the problems you think are the most difficult.

You do not need to solve the problems on your 8-question group practice exam (yet!).

The secretary will share this practice exam as an OpenLab post. You may include screenshots of the WeBWorK questions if you like, you may write them all out by hand and share a photo, or you may type them directly into the OpenLab. Title the post Group n practice exam (where n is your group number) and select the category Week 14 group post: practice exam before publishing.

End-of-semester updates


You may have noticed that when you log into WeBWorK now, you see that all old WeBWorK homework sets have been reopened. While it looks like the sets are now due on two different dates, please notice that they’re due only one minute apart. (This is just so that the newest sets still appear at the top of the page.)

  • All the Application sets are now due Sunday, December 13 at 11:59pm. This includes the three sets whose original deadlines were in the past and the three sets whose original deadlines were in the future:
    • Applications – Approximation of Area
    • Applications – Area Between Curves
    • Applications – Volumes by Slicing
    • Applications – Volumes of Revolution
    • Applications – Arc Length
    • Applications – Surface Area
  • All the old Integration and Series sets are now due one minute later on Monday, December 14 at 12:00am.

Practice exams

In WeBWorK, you’ll see a new test called MAT-1575-Practice (so the link near the bottom says Take MAT-1575-Practice test). This is how you can access your practice exams. From now until December 15, you can generate a new practice exam every 24 hours.

While the practice exam has 11 questions, the final exam will have only 8 questions.

This week’s group assignment involves these practice exams. Details will be posted separately.

Extra credit & HOT topic schedule

Thank you for your input on the new community agreement assignment. The extra-credit assignment and HOT topic schedule are inter-related. Based on your suggestions, here is how we will proceed.

Extra credit
  • If you have already earned 10 H grades for your HOT topic presentations, you have the option to keep your usual meeting time this week and next week to try to earn an 11th H grade. If you choose this option, you may not submit a video for extra credit as outlined below.
  • There is one extra-credit assignment that is open to everyone, regardless of how many H grades you have earned. The assignment is to record yourself giving a HOT topic presentation for a standard you have not received an H grade for and to submit the video.
    • You may make this video available for your classmates to view by uploading it here (link here). You can view your classmates’ videos here.
    • You may submit this video privately by uploading it here (link here).
    • You may earn up to 2 additional points on top of your overall course grade for this video.
    • To earn the full 2 points, your presentation must be essentially perfect. Since I am not there to ask you questions like I am for HOT topics presentations, you need to anticipate these questions and build their answers into your presentation.
    • Your video does not need to show your face. One way to make such a video is to write out your solution ahead of time and upload a photo to your computer. Then you can set up a Zoom call where you are the only participant, share the screen, give your presentation, and record the call. This is just one idea; you are welcome to record the video another way.

The deadline for submitting a video for extra credit is 11:59pm on Sunday, December 13 (this is a hard deadline).

HOT topics schedule: Week 14 and Week 15

The HOT topics schedule is available here. Students who have already received 10 H grades may remove their names from the schedule to free up their slot for other students.

If you want to catch up on your HOT topics, you may sign up for one session in addition to your usual slot for this week and/or next week. These slots will be available on a first-come-first-served basis, so not everyone will be able to sign up for a second slot.

My expectation is that a few more students will reach 10 H grades this week and more slots will become available next week.

Participation grades

Participation is worth 10% of your overall grade. You can see more information about participation points here.

  • Don’t forget that you can earn participation credit for attending scheduled tutoring (recommended for everyone). Details are here.
  • Did you miss any of the OpenLab participation assignments? You can catch up on old ones now! You will earn credit as long as you apply the correct title and category to your posts and submit your posts/comments before 11:59pm on Sunday, December 13. Comb through the old weekly checklists here to find links to assignment instructions.

Final exam

The final exam details are about 99% worked out! I’ll be able to share 100% of them with you in the next day or two.

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