MAT1575 Calculus II

Professor Kate Poirier | OL30 | Fall 2020

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Final exam review assignment part 2

Due Sunday, December 13, 11:59pm

Last week, you and your classmates created 8-question practice exams as part 1 of this assignment. Your assignment for this week is to take one of the exams and then grade one of your classmate’s exams.

Step 1

  1. Choose one of the practice exams linked above (not the one you worked on, but another group’s). Add a comment on the group post just saying, “I will take this practice exam.”
  2. Set a timer for 2 hours and take the 8-question practice exam as if it were a real exam.
    • Suggestion: do this during class time on Thursday. There are no official study group sessions this week (though you are welcome to meet each other in the BCU rooms whenever you like).
  3. Set a timer for 30 minutes and upload a scan of your written work here (don’t forget to include your student card in the photo).
    • Your work will be uploaded to a private folder.

Step 2

  1. Choose a partner who took the same practice exam as you did.
  2. Contact them to swap your written work scans.
  3. Grade your partner’s work and give them written feedback. Give them as much detailed feedback as you can. Ask them questions about anything you don’t understand. Offer suggestions for how to improve their work.
  4. Upload your written feedback here.
    • Your work will be uploaded to a private folder.
  5. Extra: set up a meeting to go over your feedback with each other in real time.

You will receive one participation point for each part.

Let me know if you need help finding a partner or if you need help contacting your partner.

(Remember that you also have practice exams in WeBWorK and you can generate a new one every 24 hours between now and December 15.)

Group 1 Practice Exam

Contributed by Anthony John Regner, Louis Checo-Rojas, Rafael Diaz, Kai Hallslong

Group Secretary: Anthony John Regner

Hi all, in the verge of the final exam, our group has compiled the questions that you would see in the final exam. Some questions have been slightly adjusted to encourage critical thinking and reinforce the usage of older skills. Additional questions are included in the word documents as differentiation (extra practice).

A set of eight questions

Additional resources:

Good luck on the exams!

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