Professor Kate Poirier | OL30 | Fall 2020

Author: Edwin Tito (Page 1 of 2)

Prompt 3

This prompt made me think about it for the first time, in fact I feel like I have never asked my self if I’m bad at math. I always feel like I was okay in math and not good or bad. Although it has crossed my mind sometimes that I am bad at math, but haven’t said it out loud, this is usually when I am struggling with solving some problems during homework and specially during exams. I feel like exams make my mind to blank out and take more time than usual to remember the way to solve the problems. What I do when this starts to happen is to close my eyes and just try to flashback myself to the notes that I have taken and from there I can start remembering things that are related to the exam. When we can do with open book it takes less time to remember things as just by reading part of it it can make me remember most of it. If one of my friends tells me that he/she is bad at math I will try to advise them and help them out by stating that no body is bad at math (or at any subject) it might be that he/she has to spend a little bit more time on math, or to change the way to lear it: meaning taking notes, practicing more, using sticky notes for special notes or color pens. Overall, I think we all can handle any subject as longs as we set our minds to do it and to now put our minds that we are bad at it because our mind will trick us to it.

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