Professor Kate Poirier | OL30 | Fall 2020

WeBWorK power series example

In Tuesday’s COLD session, Ines asked to see examples to help with the WeBWorK power series set (she asked specifically about #2 and #5). I recorded a video working through #2 on Tuesday, but I had a bit of a technology fail at the end. I haven’t had a chance to re-record the video (and I might not get one) so I’ll share what I have, even though it’s incomplete. All that is missing is the conclusion, which should state what the interval of convergence is. So if you watch the video, drop the interval of convergence in the comments on this post!

If I get a chance, I’ll make a video for #5 as well, but hopefully this is enough to get you started.

Good luck!

1 Comment

  1. Kate Poirier

    Hmmm…looks like OpenLab doesn’t want to play my video. Another technology fail! I’ll see what I can figure out to get it to work, but in the meantime, I’ve added this video to the COLD session recordings Dropbox folder. You can also see it here:

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