Due on the OpenLab Sunday, November 8

Study groups have been remixed! See the new list here.

Thursday’s session

For this week’s Thursday study group session, each group member will practice giving one HOT topic presentation to the whole group. The group’s job is to pretend to be me: interrupt to ask the speaker the questions you think I would ask them. Really give them a hard time! Once the speaker has finished, the group will give them feedback about what worked and what didn’t work in their presentation. The feedback must be specific so the speaker can implement it for their real presentation. This is the group’s chance to help everyone improve their HOT topic presentations.

You may choose whichever HOT topic portfolio question you like to practice presenting. Here are some options:

  • If you have received an O grade for a presentation, that’s a good choice to practice.
  • If you want to practice for an upcoming presentation, that’s also a good choice.
  • If you have never received an O grade and you are on track with your presentations, give an old presentation that you have already received an H grade for so that the group gets a chance to see what a really good presentation looks like. (Each group has at least one high “H-chiever” like this.)

After the practice presentations, discuss as a group: what makes a good presentation? How can you prepare to give a good presentation?

OpenLab assignment

Your group post for this week will be a record of what happened in these presentations. The secretary will record minutes of the session. The minutes must include:

  • the names of the group members who are present,
  • the name of the secretary,
  • for each presentation,
    • the name of the presenter,
    • the standard they presented,
    • the text (or a screenshot) of their question,
    • the names of each member who gave feedback and one sentence summarizing the feedback,
  • a summary of other discussions including the group’s answers to the questions:
    • what makes a good presentation?
    • how can you prepare to give a good presentation?

Usually, minutes are given as a numbered list; assign each presentation its own number on the list.

Title the post Group n HOT topic practice – minutes and select the category HOT topic practice before publishing the post.