Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

Introducing Aminata Kane

Professor Poirier

Math 1375 Section D 574


Dear everyone! 

My name is Aminata Kane and my pronouns are Ami she/her/hers.I came from Mali “West Africa”and I arrived in the USA almost seven years ago. I am majoring in Liberal Arts and Science and the Dental Hygienist Program, and want to become a dentist in the future. I think I became interested in my major because when I came to the USA, I had some dental work done, and realized how important having healthy teeth is. 

When I graduate from City Tech, I want to work has a dental hygienist, save money, and apply to dental school. Some of my hobbies are reading, watching movies, and learning English. I also enjoy cooking African food from my home country. I believe myself and associate with other people, a hard worker and I am proud of all that I accomplished since I arrived in the USA. 

Coming to America from Mali, starting high school in the 9th grade, not knowing English because my native languages are Bambara and French, or having any friends in America, were challenges that I had to work hard to overcome. My favorite books are: Wonder ( R.J Palacio ), Silk Roads (Peter Frankopan) and Becoming (Michelle Obama), and my favorite animal is the bird. I’m looking forward to achieving my dream of making my goals realities in my life. 


  1. Iqra

    Nice to meet you Ami.
    After reading your hobbies I like how you said learning English. I learned English by reading books and watching English movies.
    Good Luck.

    • Ami

      Thank you!

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