Course Schedule – ENG1141 OL10
Please note the following details:
- This class is entirely online and hybrid, which means we’ll be meeting online as well as working on our own. The days and times we’ll meet are as follows: Thursday 2:30-3:45.
- Attendance and participation at meeting times are crucial to earning a passing grade in this class. Each session you attend (and actively participate in) earns points that cannot be made up. I’ll “forgive” two absences at the end of the semester.
- What is “active participation” during meeting times? Just as in an in-person class, if you are online at the beginning, middle, and end of class, ask questions, contribute to the discussion in the small or large groups, and show that you’ve read the assigned assignments before class—all those things are active participation.
- Since we only meet once a week, YOU are responsible for other assignments during the week. Do not wait until we meet to look at the website.
- Some assignment deadlines are small, some are large. All of them count toward your final grade! Don’t assume that because you completed only the major assignments, you’ll get a passing, much less a desirable grade.
- This schedule is a living document, which means it may change. I will let you know as soon as possible if I make any alterations to assignments or due dates. Be sure to check your email and/or OpenLab on a daily basis to keep up with everything for this class.
Week 1:
On Tuesday, February 2, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- We are using OpenLab NOT Blackboard. If you haven’t logged on to OpenLab before this class, do so.
- Go to the OpenLab class site.
- Take a tour of OpenLab.
- Read the introduction to course, look over the syllabus, open and review all course tabs/sections.
- Homework: Read my “Meet My Feet” story under Discussions.
Thursday, February 4, 2021:
- Discuss my “Meet My Feet.” What did you enjoy about my story? What questions do you have?
- I’ll lead a discussion on how to give appropriate feedback on someone’s writing.
- Homework: Write your own “Meet My _____.” You can use your shoes or another object that you feel shares something about you. Post it under Student Work: Assignment Posts on OpenLab. Do not make it private; your classmates will need to read it next week.
- Read Chapter One from Ann Patchett’s Truth & Beauty.
Week 2:
On Tuesday, February 9, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- Comment on four classmates’ “Meet My ______” and Chapter One from Ann Patchett’s Truth & Beauty.
- Homework: Critique Patchett’s work in a paragraph. What did you enjoy about her work? What questions do you have? Post under Student Work: Discussions. (Follow the guide from Week 1 but add it under Discussions, not Student Assignments.)
Thursday, February 11, 2021
- Based on comments and self-review, bring your revised “Meet My _____” to your assigned Cohort (this will be explained in class).
- Homework: Respond to each of your Cohort members and email the responses by Friday.
- Journal Assignment 1: Using Patchett’s work as an example, write about a friendship that has been significant to you. (Who is it? How did you meet? Why are they important to you?)
- Post under Journals. Be sure to write the following in the title: Your Full Name, Journal 1.
Week 3:
On Tuesday, February 16, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- My discussion of “Now what?” and when to utilize critiques and when to blow them off.
- Read and Anonymous’ “Whatever Happened to _______?”
- Homework: A formal critique of Anonymous’ work. Post it under Discussions.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
- Revise “Meet My _____” for evaluation.
- Homework: Turn in revised “Meet My _____” and post it under Memoir by 11:59 PM on Thursday, 2/18/21.
- Read your at least three classmates’ critiques of Patchett or Anonymous’ work. Comment on them in the “reply” section. With what do you agree or disagree? Be specific! (“I agree with X’s thoughts on X” is not specific. “I agree with X because of X” is specific.)
Week 4:
On Tuesday, February 23, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- My discussion of Plot in memoir (and other genres).
- Comment on my discussion: What questions do you have about plot in memoir or other genres?
- Homework: Journal Assignment 2: Write about a time you’ve felt you were anonymous (either by choice or not)
Thursday, February 25, 2021
- Bring a NEW memoir piece (you can use your journals entries or anything that would be considered a memoir) for your Cohort to respond to.
- Homework: Read Myriam Gurba’s “Pendeja, You Ain’t Steinbeck: My Bronca with Fake-Ass Social Justice Literature.”
Week 5:
On Tuesday, March 2, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- Homework: A formal critique of Gurba’s work. Post it under Discussions.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
- I’ll lead a discussion on Characterization in memoir (or any genre).
- Read and discuss your classmates’ critiques of Gurba’s work.
- Homework: Comment on at least four of your classmates’ critiques of Gurba’s work. With what do you agree or disagree? Be specific! (“I agree with X’s thoughts on X” is not specific. “I agree with X because of X” is specific.)
Week 6:
On Tuesday, March 9, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- Homework: Revise your second memoir and post it under Memoir by 11:59 PM on 3/9/21.
- Journal Assignment 3: Reflect on your experience with memoir writing—good, bad, so-so, and why.
- Read Edward P. Jones’ “The First Day”
Thursday, March 11, 2021
- We’ll have an open mic to share our memoirs in small groups.
- I’ll lead a discussion on short fiction, real life in fiction, and POV.
- Discuss Edward P. Jones’ “The First Day”
- Homework: A formal critique of Jones’ work. Post it under Discussions.
- Journal Assignment 4: Visit a park, coffee shop, or another public place that is buzzing with activity (being sure to socially distance yourself and wearing a mask, of course). Take note of what you hear the people around you say. Share what you noticed/heard.
Week 7:
On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- Homework: Begin to write short story based on a real event, but NOT first person.
- Comment on at least four of your classmates’ critiques of Jones’ work. With what do you agree or disagree? Be specific! (“I agree with X’s thoughts on X” is not specific. “I agree with X because of X” is specific.)
- Read Ursula K. Le Guin’s “The Wife’s Story.”
Thursday, March 18, 2021
- Discuss Ursula K. Le Guin’s “The Wife’s Story.”
- Homework: A formal critique of Le Guin’s work. Post it under Discussions.
- Continue writing a short story based on a real event, but NOT first person.
Week 8:
On Tuesday, March 23, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- My discussion on POV.
- Homework: Finish writing a short story based on a real event, but NOT first person.
- Comment on at least four of your classmates’ critiques of Le Guin’s work. With what do you agree or disagree? Be specific! (“I agree with X’s thoughts on X” is not specific. “I agree with X because of X” is specific.)
Thursday, March 25, 2021
- Bring your short story and review your Cohort’s work.
- Homework: Journal Assignment 5: Write about a moment from your past that changed you. It can be a large or small change—but focus on what, exactly, happened and how you changed.
- Read Chapter One from Ta-Nehisi Coates’ The Water Dancer.
Week 9:
SPRING BREAK! No class on Tuesday, March 30 or Thursday, April 1, 2021!
Week 10:
On Tuesday, April 6, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- My discussion about real-life experiences and why writers sometimes fictionalize them.
- Homework: A formal critique of Coates’ work. Post it under Discussions.
- Comment on at least four of your classmates’ critiques of Coates’ work. With what do you agree or disagree? Be specific! (“I agree with X’s thoughts on X” is not specific. “I agree with X because of X” is specific.)
Thursday, April 8, 2021
- Revise first short story and post it under Short Stories by 11:59 PM on 4/8/21.
- Begin writing a NEW story in any POV you like but focus on the setting and/or context.
Week 11:
On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- Email your new short story for your Cohort to review.
- Read and respond to your Cohort’s work. Email your responses by 11:59 PM on Thursday, April 15, 2021.
- Homework: Find four poems that you’ve enjoyed in the past.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
- We’ll discuss short story writing and have an open mic (again, optional).
- Homework: Journal Assignment 6: Reflect on your experience with short story writing—good, bad, so-so, and why.
- Read/Watch Staceyann Chin’s “Tsunami Rising.”
Week 12:
On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- My discussion on voice & style in poetry (and other genres).
- Homework: Begin writing four poems in the forms we’ve discussed.
- Post the poems you found under Discussions.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
- Continue writing four poems in the forms we’ve discussed.
- Read your classmates’ favorite poems under Discussions and comment on two of them. State why you liked them—or disliked them.
Week 13:
On Tuesday, April 27, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- Email your poems for your Cohort to review.
- Review and respond to your Cohort’s work by 11:59 PM on Thursday, April 29, 2020.
- Homework: Post your second short story under Short Stories.
- Read assigned scenes from Suzan-Lori Parks’ play, Topdog/Underdog.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
- I’ll lead a discussion about dialogue in drama (and other genres).
- Assigned scenes from Suzan-Lori Parks’ play, Topdog/Underdog.
- Homework: Revise your poems and post them under Poetry by 11:59 PM on 4/30/21.
- Journal Assignment 7: Reflect on your experience with poetry writing—good, bad, so-so, and why.
Week 14:
On Tuesday, May 4, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- I’ll lead a discussion about using text threads to inspire writing dialogue.
- Homework: Find at least three text threads and rewrite them as dialogue.
- Journal Assignment 8: Take/create the dialogue from Journal Assignment 4 and revise it to tell a story (perhaps fashion it after Topdog/Underdog).
Thursday, May 6, 2021
- Bring your text threads to your Cohort for review.
- Review and respond to your Cohort’s work.
Week 15:
On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, please do the following by 11:59 PM:
- My discussion about the Final Portfolio and Final Reflection.
- Homework: Begin working on your Final Reflection and prepare your Final Portfolio.
- Revise your texts and post them under Dialogues by 11:59 PM on 5/11/21.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
- We’ll talk about writing dialogue and have an open mic of either poems or texts (optional), as well as field any questions about the Final Reflection/Portfolio.
- Homework: Continue working on your Final Reflection and your Final Portfolio.
Week 16:
Reading Day: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 (No classes meet on this day. This is a day to prepare for final exams and projects—including the Final Reflection and Final Portfolio!)
Thursday, May 20, 2021
- Bring your Final Reflection for your Cohort to review.
- Review and respond to your Cohort’s work.
- Homework: Journal Assignment 9: Reflect on your experience with dialogue writing—good, bad, so-so, and why.
- Continue writing your Final Reflection.
- Choose one memoir, one short story, one poem, and one dialogue to be in the Final Portfolio. Revise/rewrite each piece based on my comments and those of your peers.
Week 17 (Finals Week):
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 (We don’t officially meet on this day, but if you are available, please consider attending!)
- Choose one or two pieces to share for our open mic! (We’ll start with one—if we have time, we’ll have another round.) If you can’t attend, please post two pieces under Final Portfolio!
- Homework: Journal 10: If you could write a letter to a future student of this class, what would you tell them?
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