I canā€™t really think of a specific time I felt anonymous, like my story was untold or forgotten . I do feel there has been a point in time where the people around me didnā€™t really know me . Honestly Iā€™ve always been content with being around a small group of people or alone. There has been times where I felt I was disconnected from a lot of the people around me. Most people say that Iā€™m mature for my age and that my mindset isnā€™t like most. During my last year in high school I felt that I had outgrown a lot of people. Many all throughout high school who I guess were considered ā€œfriendsā€ at the time no longer felt that way when it came down to it. I started to feel as though I didnā€™t value the same things they did. 

   I understand that you can be friends with people and have different opinions and value systems. However I felt it was deeper than that. Something in me felt that the trials through high school showed me who was genuine and who wasnā€™t. The anonymous feeling would be when I had a lot of people around me yet only a few who understood me. I knew what I wanted and there was just certain things I didnā€™t feel the need to associate myself with any longer.  I know that Iā€™m not the only person who felt this way Iā€™ve heard others say the same thing. When I went my separate ways from people I didnā€™t necessarily announce it I just slowly started to keep my distance and eventually I feel they understood. 

    Sometimes people get offended when you no longer want to maintain a relationship they take it personally. Theyā€™ll take it as you attacking their character and become defensive. In all honesty if it was me and roles were reversed I wouldnā€™t feel any type of way. In life i have learned that sometimes people only come into your life in order to teach you something but they are not meant to stay. If Iā€™ve outgrown anyone it doesnā€™t mean I have any sort of animosity towards that person it is simply that I have outgrown the circumstances that I was in. Sometimes itā€™s better to go separate ways in order to grow and become your own person. In way I felt trapped in my high school being that I was with the same people from grades 6-12. I wasnā€™t able to expand and have other options. Finally after my senior year was complete I would get to escape and be exposed to new environments. If I had a chance to go back I donā€™t think I would change my decisions because in life sometimes you just have to do whatā€™s best for you especially if it is evident that people may not have your best interest at heart.