Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Carlon Richards,Gruta’s work

Reading Gurba’s work showed me that other people have been looking down on her country and provides sterotypes to show how little respect they have. Gurba uses her heritage as a means to let her readers know there is a problem that cannot be ignored and many of the stories just did not tell how serious the problem was. As I keep reading, look at it from her perspective I was able to see the full extent of what she was talking about. She showed us how narrow minded American tourist can be is a very accurate description.The only thing I knew about Mexico before reading this story is that only what I had seen on tv. Her writing piece was very informative,If the writing style was different the story would be more appealing. The main question I had for Gurba would be how how emotionally invested was she when she wrote the article?


  1. Christina C.

    I agree with what you are saying. The closed mindedness of the American people can be astounding. Most people only believe the negative stereotypes that they hear or see portrayed in the media. Everyone should be given an equal chance no matter their race or what country they are from.

  2. Zaire Lancaster

    I agree with you about the eye-opening experience Gurba’s writing provided you. As an American, I too have preconceived notions about places that I haven’t visited exclusively due to media exposure. However, it’s important to remember that the media may show us certain things to get certain feelings out of their audeince. Gurba brings attention to important issues and problems like you said but, instead of censoring certain things, she is upset with the blatant misrepresentation of her culture. Besides that, I disagree with your statement saying the writing wasn’t appealing mainly because to me her style was so fresh, invigorating, and distinct. It is something I don’t often get to hear so I enjoyed her point of view and style of approach.

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