When I was choosing my Highschool back in 8th grade I had Initially picked a school that had what I liked, while also being somewhat close to my home. Although I thought this was an ideal plan, I had ended up moving to a different neighborhood that summer making my travel to school much longer. I had decided to stay in the high school I had initially picked because I liked it a lot but now had to take 3 different buses for a 2-hour journey both ways, which took time getting used to. Eventually, I got used to the travel and had realized that someone from my school was also taking the same long route to school I was which has surprised me that I wasn’t the only one who went to a school so far away. Both I and he had noticed that we went to the same school, so we ended up talking with each other and became good friends. I personally found our friendship to be super lucky, as by some stroke of luck, even though we both lived far from school we had the same bus routes, same interests, and same sense of humor and became great friends that still talk regularly. They are important to me because they were one of my first friends in high school and someone who I can relate to and have fun with, and that isn’t something that comes along very often.