By 11:59 PM on Tuesday, March 9, 2021



  • Homework: Revise your second memoir and post it under Memoir by 11:59 PM on 3/9/21. You can revise the version you’ve already posted, just be sure to title it Full Name, Memoir 2 (Revised).
  • Journal Assignment 3: Reflect on your experience with memoir writing—good, bad, so-so, and why. Title it Full Name, Journal #3. Post it under Journals by class time on 3/11/21 at 2:30 pm.
  • Read Edward P. Jones’ “The First Day” and be prepared to discuss it on Thursday, 3/11/21.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


  • We’ll have people share one of their memoirs with small groups.
  • We’ll have a discussion on short fiction, real life in fiction, and begin to discuss POV.
  • Discuss Edward P. Jones’ â€œThe First Day.”


  • Homework: A paragraph critiquing Jones’ work. What did you enjoy? What questions/suggestions do you have for the author? Post it with your Full Name, Jones Critique under Discussions. (Due by 11:59 PM on 3/11/21.)
  • Journal Assignment 4 (Choose ONE of these prompts; title it Full Name, Journal #4 under Journals by 11:59 on 3/16/21):
    1. Write about a constant disagreement you’ve had with someone. What is the basis of the disagreement? It can be large or small. (For example, my parents and I have different opinions about how to fry eggs.) When does this disagreement occur? What is usually/often said? How is it resolved–if at all? Share as many details as possible. (Approximately 300-400 words. Feel free to write more!)
    2. Go to a public space where you can practice social distancing and politely people watch for at least 10-15 minutes. Take notes about the people you see and if they say anything. When you get home to your computer or laptop, recreate the experience. Where were you? Who did you see? (What were they wearing? What were their ages? What were they doing?) What did they say–if anything? Be as detailed as possible. (Approximately 300-400 words. Feel free to write more!)
    3. The writer Jane Howard said: “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family.  Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” Who is in your clan/network/tribe/family? Describe each member of that group of people in detail. Need help getting started? Use some (or all) of the four elements of character we’ve talked about: action, dialogue, appearance, and thought. (Approximately 300-400 words. Feel free to write more!)