My experience with short story writing has been okay. I’ve been working on it more because of the fact that I run a campaign for Dungeons & Dragons for a group of friends, which involves (at least from my end) a lot of world building and narrating to progress the story. My process usually involves the following questions: What has the party done?; Where is the party currently?; Where do they need to go?; and Why is the party doing that? (The last one usually in reference to something weird they’ve done in-game) Then, I get an idea for what kind of town or city they’ll be going to by looking through a fantasy name generator, and basing the type of location based on the name that I choose. Honestly, I think the best thing about short story writing is that it helps with limiting the amount of information that you write down. Sure, you can expand the lore outside of that,but the short story helps me with summarizing things for the party so I don’t go off on a tangent about the world.