(Nyah expresses that she’s stressed out about the many things going on in her life) 

(Nyah enters the room sighing) 

Mom: What’s wrong? 

(She looks over concerned for Nyah) 

Nyah: I have a headache again 

Mom: You’re always worrying yourself into a headache 

Nyah: It’s not my fault I just can’t help it…


Nyah: I worry about things 

Mom: Nyah you can’t constantly worry about things that’s no way to live

Nyah: I know I know 

Mom: All that worrying doesn’t do you any good, yes sometimes things are hard or difficult but you have to try to make the best of things.

Nyah: I try my best to not overthink and worry but I can’t control it

(Nyah stares at the wall thinking once again)


Mom: Listen there’s people in this world that go through things that are way worse. Sometimes you have to be thankful for your circumstances. 

Nyah: I try my best to keep it together and be thankful but sometimes I have my days where I just want to fall apart 

Mom: It’s okay to have your days but just take it one day at a time and try to remember the good