While I cannot think of a specific moment in the past that changed me, I can think of a few important moments in my life that may have had an underlying impact on me. These include getting my first console system, seeing the adults around me workout, and possibly the most important, being born.

As a child, getting any present was always a joy but getting my first console system was impactful as it taught me that there are fun things to do at home besides playing with toys or reading. Besides that, the console gave me less of a reason to go play outside,  making me more of an indoors person. Being home provided a safe environment as you never know what could have happened outside.

Seeing the adults around me workout set a very important standard about dedication, hard work, self-improvement, and most importantly health. These values combined to make someone who is hard on themselves and someone who strives to do good in all facets. Children imitate adults around them and even to this day I keep a balanced workout regime that not only keeps me healthy but also feeling great.

Of course being born is important, without it I would have not been able to experience any of those impactful moments. The chance is less than one in a million and though commonly overlooked, it is definitely the most important thing to happen to anyone.