I’ve tried over and over again to think of a moment from my past that changed me but the first thing that comes to mind is when the pandemic had hit. The biggest change that has ever occurred in my life was due to the pandemic. Life as we know it was altered greatly especially for me. The time we had to stay home and social distance for the beginning months when the outside world was in a panic it made me reevaluate life as a whole. So many things I had taken for granted ripped away in an instant. The whole experience gave me a new outlook on life. It mad me reevaluate who I am as a person and to appreciate the people I have around me. During that time I made many changes in my life physically and mentally. I did things like change my room and exercising. I also tried to have a more positive mindset and turning to prayer more often. I tried to work on myself and get rid of old habits that hindered my growth that didn’t benefit my well being. Many things I was not able to clearly see until I was forced into a self isolation that I noticed all the flaws.