During my freshmen year of high school, I had a very simple routine when it came to going and coming home from school. I had an hour and a half bus ride to and from school, so I had usually just stuck to going home directly after school was finished, that way I had time to unwind and get homework done before it was due. I would usually leave immediately after that last bell rang to catch the first train because it would always help me catch all the other buses much faster. While I did enjoy the extra time to relax when I came home from work, my father was pushing me to try and get into a club or get a hobby at school that would take up some of the free that I had from coming straight home from school. My father ended up going to one of my school’s afterschool activity seminars and saw that the robotics club was looking for new members. When he told me about it at first, I was on the fence about it because I had gotten really used to the routine that I was doing for the previous few months but I decided to go to the club anyways. After I joined I really was enjoying myself and ironically ended up staying way past school hours almost every day. Going to that club really changed me by helping me find friends that I’m still close to today, travel to new places in the states that I had never been to before, and ended up helping me pick my major going into mechanical engineering which in my opinion was a major change in my life, as it changed the direction of what career I wanted to pursue in life.