Lily walked to school hand and hand with her boyfriend Colton. They both attended an elite private school for the supernatural called White Wood Academy. Today was the big day of their field trip for their marine biology class. They went up the three flights to stairs to their classroom waiting for the others to arrive. 

Soon, the rest of her friends arrived. Stella turned to Lily and said “The overcast weather is perfect for this trip, no one will need an umbrella to protect them from the sunlight”. Soon the teacher spoke up and said “ The buses are here. We are going Witches, Werewolves, Vampires”. Everyone soon lined up with Sella and Lily being in the front with the witches, Next with the werewolves in the middle was Colton and Grayson, and Finally Asher and Hunter with the Vampires.

Everyone got to the bus and paired up for the bus ride up state. The pairs went as follows: Lily and Colton, Stella and Grayson, and last but not least Asher and Hunter. The ride was going to be about two hours North. They were going to a water reservoir in the forest. The class had raised fish from their egg stage to adult forms. They were going on this trip to release them into the wild. 

Once everyone got settled, the bus took off to start their journey. Colton turned to Lily, handing her one side of his head phone. She took it and put it in her ear both had a slight blush on their face. They have only been dating for about three months at this point. Behind the happy couple was Sella and Grayson having an argument about how the world is most likely to end. Across from Lily and Colton was Asher and Hunter who just laughed about memes the entire way. 

With time passing and lots of window watching they finally arrived at their destination. They all slowly exited the bus. The teacher and a national park worker led them to a small creek to release the fish. They each got a small clear plastic cup with a fish and they had to release it into the river. “I’m naming him River” Lily chuckled before all eyes went to her. “Mine is going to be named Turbo,” Hunter spoke. “If yours is named River I have to name mine Forest” Stella chimed in. The two witches laughed a little at the nature puns they were making. Colton looked at the fish “His name shall be Silver”. Asher just plainly said “this fish will be named God”. Hunter was the last one to name his fish “I think his power level is over 9,000 … Goku is a fitting name for this little warrior” 

They take a short hike after releasing the fish. Asher broke the silence by saying “if you hit a supernatural with a human book of religion will it hurt?” They all stop to look at him, Stella just sighed. Hunter then added “what if you hit a human with a supernatural book will it hurt?” Lily spoke up and said “ So you’re saying I can hit you both with books in the name of science?” They looked at each other and then looked at her and both said “yes?” at about the same time.  Grayson joined in “You can hit me with a book any time” and winked at Lily. Colton got a little jealous by the end of the conversation and smacked his friend in the head “She is my girlfriend, I’m the only one she is allowed to hit with a book”. Realizing what he just said he blushed and covered his face with his hands. “In the name of science I’ll keep that in mind” Lily said while laughing at her boyfriend with the rest of the group. Asher looked at his friend “I don’t care how possessive you wolves get you are never living that one down”. 

Exhausted from all of the excitement of the day they all make their way back to the bus. Once they all get on everyone goes back to their seats. Some of the students play on their phone while others pull out snacks and drinks. Laughing and eating everyone was enjoying their time as the bus slowly started back up to take the students on the long road back to school. “This will be a memory we will all keep for a long time”  lily thought to herself watching the forest disappear from her view.