I chose prompt number 3. In my clan, I have my mom, my dad, my sister, and my brother. I have a whole village around and they all play a role in my life in some way or shape but I’m going write about my family/clan. My mom is like the general at home, she calls the shots next to my dad. She’s 5 feet tall I believe and I truly think she hasn’t really aged nor my dad. My parents in my opinion, don’t really look like parents, they play their role. They are good parents, they could be annoying but they are good parents. They are crazy but of course in a good way. My mom looks like she can pass for a high schooler but you guys would be surprised by her age if you saw her. My dad is calm and laided back but he can talk when he’s ready. My dad doesn’t really have an inside voice, he talks pretty loud but not all the time. I believe my dad is 5’8 or 5’9. So he’s pretty taller than my mom. Overall, my mom and my dad are like the foundation in my family. My sister and I are seven years apart from each other. She’s shorter than me but she’s the oldest out my brother and I. She was like our second mom growing up. She is very good with kids. She has a bubbly personality and she’s very active. She’s like here, there, everywhere. My brothers the baby, he’s the last child but acts as if he’s the oldest. He’s taller than me and my sister. Personality wise, he is also laid back and calm. He’s similar to my dad in a way. He’s into basketball and he’s always at the gym playing basketball. So he’s into sports, so is my dad. So this is my family/clan. Like the writer Jane Howard said, “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family.  Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” I agree, we all need one.