After multiple reads of Anonymous Work I was able to understand more because reading the story the first time was a bit confusing. The story seems to be all over the place and have random bits of information scattered. After giving it multiple reads, I understood that the writer is writing as if it’s the present and what she’s feeling right at that moment. She explains the troubles she faced and how she was able to overcome them. The author starts off with how women are basically forced to give up their own career path to sacrifice their every waking hour to her family’s well-being. Despite these societal quo’s, she took care of her family and continued her passion. I was glad to hear that everything worked out in the end for her and she was able to overcome her issues.

I had multiple questions as to why the husband seemed so offended for his wife having a passion for writing? She seemed to have the home and family well-being good but the husband didn’t support her endeavors one bit. Another question I had was why did the husband act like she was leaving her family-life astray? She seemed to have things in control.