Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Week 4

By 11:59 PM on Tuesday, February 23, 2021



  • Homework: Journal Assignment 2: Write about a time you’ve felt you were anonymous (either by choice or not). Post it under Journals and title it: Your Full Name, Journal 2. Due at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, February 24.
  • Bring a NEW memoir piece (you can use either Journal 1 or 2 or anything you’ve written that would be considered a memoir) for your Cohort to respond to on Thursday. 
  • If you don’t want to use either Journals for your next memoir, go to this website for some inspiration: 10 Memoir Writing Prompts to Get You Started (
  • Whatever you decide, before class on Thursday, February 25, post it under Memoir and title it: Your Full Name, Memoir 2.

Thursday, February 25, 2021



  1. Zlancaster

    1.What’s the context (year, location, and other important setting details) of the story?
    The story starts on a late summer night in a car along a Oregan road and shifts between the author’s home and the divorce court. The drive serves to not only introduce the characters of the story but also gives the reader a glimpse of a societal view on career women settling down. The context of the story specifically is the household of a successful female writer and her jealous, biter failing husband.
    2. What’s the inciting incident (action that gets things going) in the story?
    The inciting incident in the story was Anonymous’s husband coming home drunk one day saying “Your mama…gets away with too much…”.
    3. What’s the rising action (events that lead to the climax) in the story?
    The rising action of the story was Anonymous’s husband complaining about expenses. He then proceeds to get angrier and angrier beginning to complain and yell all around the house, even in front of their daughter.
    4. What’s the climax (the most exciting or intense moment) in the story?
    The climax of the story was Anonymous’s husband assaulting her. He grabbed her wrist and unwillingly held her over the backyard stairs directly over construction debris and rusty nails.
    5. What’s the resolution (the “wrap up”) of the story?
    The resolution of the story was Anonymous’s fighting a losing battle in divorce court against her husband. Though in a difficult situation she preserves, fighting against the patriarchal world. She refuses to go down quiet she’’ keep fighting, keep “…kicking and screaming…” and most importantly keep writing.

    • Zlancaster

      Good Evening professor, above I accidentally posted this here and I’m not sure how to delete it. If you let me know, I will do it A.S.A.P.

      • Jessica Penner

        No worries! Simply hit the “edit” and then you’ll see a link to “trash.”

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