When I first started to read the work, I was a bit confused about where the narrative was going, as it was somewhat hard for me to picture the theme with the imagery that was being given to me at the beginning. But as the piece progressed I started to understand the story and narrative and its ability to describe the struggles of a writer who isn’t just a writer. Anon made me see writing as more of a passion to her than just a profession. Even though it was her profession she gave a much more understanding side of the story, that of someone who writes while at the same time has to attend o her responsibilities such as work and being a mother. she made me see that she isn’t someone that can sit down and write novel after novel, but because of this made me see them as more of an experienced writer, as they had a lot of life experience. one thing that confused me about the piece though was that I dint have a firm understanding of the author’s goal she wanted to convey to the reader. I did have a jist but was thrown off at the changes in the scenery and story. While I do feel bad for the author, I feel like the addition of her divorce ended up confusing me as a reader. It made me feel like I had changed paths from the initial writer theme into a story about overcoming trauma and the hurdles that are faced with it. If I had any questions, my main question would be how had the trauma and divorce affect her writing? Did it change the way she viewed her own work forever? Or did it motivate her as just another experience to add to the multitude of life experiences she has had as a writer and a mother?