From the two short stories we’ve done in class recently, I think they’ve been really good so far to do based on the criteria’s laid out. It kept my mind thinking about what I can put for each story and what can I do based on the critics people put for mine. Now personally, I preferred the way we did the critiques layout for short story 2 and I hope we keep that for the rest of the semester for any upcoming assignments due. It would be nice to do at least a third short story with another format compared to the others to make it just as different as them. I didn’t want to have similar stories for both of them either, it’s good to diversify the plots. The only thing I would say that was bad was the regular Cohert assigners for story 1. Only half of the people in my group did the work and it really limited a lot on what I can put for my story and theirs. That’s why I prefer the criticisms for the second story that way everyone can give feedback, whether we do that in class or outside the class itself.