In my family network it consists of my father mother and me. We work together anytime someone Is sick I put myself out there and help them in any way possible. My father is a car driver and drives/take customers on the daily. My mother is a worker in Burger king she worked there from 2010. She puts a lot of sacrifices on the line for religious purposes and for her own benefit. And every morning she gets up early to make food for me and my father. Even when she is sick, she always makes my favorite food. And the time she has work she has to run home at morning 6:00. My father works really hard and works more and puts a lot of sacrifice’s every day in any way possible. Some days in the morning he wakes up early and takes my mom to work then makes me breakfast despite being late.  When he has overtime work, he is sometimes out the whole day and arrives home at late night. Some of the money we make goes out of the house to work on a big building in our home country. My father also helps my mother with English I also do it for her when she needs assistance. My father does a bigger portion of the job in our house like fixing anything which is broken. And get it fixed without thinking about money. Me who is my mothers and fathers only child. I assist both my parents in whatever ways I could my name is Aninda das. I work at a subway so I can help along my father to run the family. Now since I am in college, I stay up at night putting my mind in there to study extremely hard so that I can receive the degree I actually deserve .