After reading “Whatever happened to…?” by Anonymous, I found it interesting, because it was basically about a women who is a writer and how she was being treated very differently in a negative manner by her husband. I liked how the story portrayed, how back then the husband’s use to be the head of the family and the wife would get treated harshly by them. Back then it was stereotypical for the wife to keep the house clean and take care of the kids while the husband provides for them. I liked how this was portrayed in the story, because when I first read the line where it stated that she’s a writer, in my head I was like what could possibly go wrong for someone who is great at writing. I also found it interesting how she kept her problems to herself and took care of her children as if she wasn’t going through anything. This shows how women have the strength and the courage to go through the negative things in their life. A question I would ask is, did she have any regret marrying her husband when she first realized how she was being treated unfairly by him.