Before class on Wednesday, February 16, students will…

  • Read my Announcement.
  • By class time on Wednesday, February 16, email your critique to me and your Cohort. Email my Gmail account noted on the sidebar of this website and on the critique worksheet!
    • This activity is worth 20% of your overall grade!
    • If you weren’t assigned a Cohort, that’s because you were not in class last Wednesday (and possibly haven’t written a “Meet My ____” yet). If this is your case, email me and we can discuss what you can do to get feedback for your work and earn those points.
  • Critique Patchett’s work in a paragraph. What did you enjoy? What questions do you have? Title it Full Name, Patchett Critique. Post under Discussions.
  • Journal Assignment 1: Using Patchett’s work as an example, write about a friendship that has been significant to you. (Who is it? How did you meet? Why are they important to you?) Post under Journals. Be sure to write the following in the title: Your Full Name, Journal 1.
    • Both the Patchett Critique and Journal 1 are due by next Wednesday, February 16.
    • These assignments are both worth 20% of your overall grade!
  • Read and be ready to discuss Anonymous’ “Whatever Happened to _______?” by class time.
    • This reading contains an account of domestic abuse. This content may be disturbing, so I encourage you to prepare yourself emotionally beforehand. If you believe the reading or discussion of the reading to be traumatizing, you may choose to not participate or leave the classroom. I encourage you to speak to me before or after so we can discuss what you can read/write about in place of this assignment.

During and after class, DISCUSS & WRITE (otherwise known as homework):

  • We’ll continue our discussion of memoir and the “Now what?” after your first experience with critiques.
    • Namely, when to utilize critiques and when to blow them off. (Even if it’s a professor’s critique! Gasp!) 🙂
  • We’ll discuss Anonymous’ work and compare/contrast it to Patchett’s work. How are they the same? How are they different? Which did you enjoy more and why?
  • Critique Anonymous’ work. What did you enjoy? What questions do you have? Post it under Discussions. Title it Full Name, Anonymous’ Critique by class time on Wednesday, February 23.
  • Revise and rename “Meet My ____” to Full Name, Memoir 1 (Revised) and post it under Memoir by class time on Wednesday, February 23.

Upcoming assignment to read by Wednesday, February 23…