This semester I wrote many journals and poems and all of them were great factors of motivation for me to do my best at anything whatever I do. The great things about writing journals are that it allows me to brainstorm anything from my mind and formulate a well written paper. English 1141 was the class which I wanted to finish at first no matter what because of the lengthy thinking and process which goes into it, When I was writing the memoir my goal was to connect several ideas into one and speak about my experience writing memoir 1 and 2. I really enjoyed working on my short story a lot because it allowed me to reflect on some of the problems my family went through and it gave me the time to write down my emotions. The other thing I loved about writing was the fact that our peers get to give a lot of feedback on what they believe to be true. Feedback allows for writers to see what they might have missed the first time around which could have been added. The short story allowed me to spend time and got me interested to brainstorm previous   situations and write about them. Writing extensive with full focus was really important for me in this class which is why I spend time thinking in my mind how to formulate everything. The poems were a challenge when writing because I had to make the words match and sound accurate which only came through reading these terms in my mind.