Before class on Wednesday, May 18, students will…

  • Read my Announcement.
  • Continue working on your Final Reflection and preparing your Final Portfolio.
  • Have a first draft of your Final Reflection ready for peer review by class time on Wednesday, May 18. Title it Full Name, Final Reflection and save it under Reflections.
    • We’ll be doing a quick peer review during class on the 18th!
  • Journal Assignment 9: Reflect on your experience with dialogue writing with the text, the short story, or memoir—good, bad, so-so, and why. Title it Full Name, Journal 9 and save it under Journals by Wednesday, May 18.

During and after class on Wednesday, May 18…

Prepare for WORKSHOP:

  • Post your Final Reflection under Final Reflection. Title it Full Name, Final Reflection, 1st Draft.


  • Review and respond to your assigned partner’s work.
  • Only students who have posted a Final Reflection will be paired up.
  • Other students should work on their Reflection during this time.


  • We’ll have a small group open mic to share our improved memoirs or short stories! (This activity is optional, though definitely encouraged!)
  • I’ll share how I want the Final Portfolio to be uploaded on OpenLab and open the floor for any questions about the Final Reflection or Final Portfolio.
  • We’ll also look at a few past students’ chapbooks so you can see how it’s been done in the past!

During and after class, WRITE:

  • The Final Portfolio and Final Reflection, which are both due no later than Friday, May 20 by 11:59 PM.
  • Journal Assignment 10: If you could write a letter to a future student of this class, what would you tell them? Title it Full Name, Journal 10 and post it under Journals.
  • I’m evaluating your Short Story 2 right now–if I haven’t commented on your story yet and you’d like feedback, let me know and we can either set up a time to meet via Zoom or you can visit me during office hours (Tues/Thurs 12-1:30 PM).


Final Portfolio & Reflection (aka Chapbook) by 11:59 PM on Friday, May 20!

  • For details on how to upload this to OpenLab, look at the Final Portfolio page.
  • I’ve been generous on deadlines this semester because of the situation we’ve all been through, but this deadline is real, folks, because I have to turn in grades soon after this date. I don’t have time to locate you and your work.
  • If you don’t turn in a chapbook by the due date, you’ll lose 200 points (this is worth 20% of your overall grade).
  • Even if your chapbook isn’t complete or as finished as you’d like, know that this is the agony of any writer–student or otherwise–we never feel it’s perfect, so submit what you’ve got!

Missing assignments? You have until 11:59 PM on Sunday, May 22!

  • You must do the following to earn points for any past assignments that you’ve missed this semester:
    • Do the assignment. Be sure to follow the guidelines (title it correctly, save it under the correct place, such as Journals) and publish the assignment.
    • Copy the URL (that’s the http address at the top of your screen) and paste it in an email to me (
    • One exception: since your Cohort can no longer make revisions on the assignment, you can no longer earn points for critiques of their work!