
Time to sleep

Starting walking

Take a step

Tuck myself in

Close my eyes

Now I sleep


Get out of bed take a step

Walk down the step

step after step

Head to the bathroom take a step

Brush teeth take a step

Go into the shower take a step

Set out the shower take a step

Get ready to take a step

Finish getting ready take a step

Walk out of the house take a step

Brushing Teeth

Wash toothbrush

Open the toothpaste

Put toothpaste on brush

Brush moves up down

up down up down

Brush moves right left

right left right left

repeat steps over and over

clean toothbrush

Put toothbrush up


loud noise wakes me up

my alarm makes me deaf early in the morning

hit snooze

fall back asleep

the alarm comes back on

hit snooze again

Suns up and I wake up

I forgot to hit snooze

Now I’m late