Back in 2014, right before summer vacation, a huge tragedy happened in Canada. As a 14 year old child, Atta could not ever imagine that something like this could happen to him. It was a normal day at school and Atta was on a school trip to the zoo. The whole class walked around and saw each animal and learned interesting facts about it. For a while Atta walked around with his friends and made fun of the monkeys each time they passed by the monkey cage/exhibit.. After an hour outside , they all got tired of roaming around and decided to get some snacks from the cafeteria. As they were passing by the monkeys again, the friends made sure to stick out their tongues and tease the monkeys with bananas and all sorts of other snacks. All of a sudden, one of the monkeys came forward and grabbed a snack out of Atta’s hand and ran away to a little corner by the fence. Atta chased him and in the meantime, another money threw a banana peel on the floor, in front of Atta. Atta stepped on the banana in a hurry and slipped. He knocked into the fence on the side and the fence fell on top of his leg. He struggled to get his leg out, but failed. He screamed for help and everyone came running. All the teachers came running and lifted the fence off his leg. Gladly there was a nurse nearby and although she was able to clean up his cuts and wounds, she noticed Atta couldn’t move his leg. Atta looked horrified, and a thousand thoughts ran through his mind. He wondered if  was going to be fine or not. If he could walk or run or play Cricket again. The nurse saw his face, and gave him some water to drink. She called the ambulance and within afew minutes they arrived and  picked him up and drove him to the hospital. Twenty minutes later they reached the hospital and the nurses did a few tests and scans. Afew moments later, his parents arrived at the hospital and were shocked to find out that due to the extremely heavy fence, and the pole falling right on his leg bone, Atta had two broken bones in his leg, which put him on bed rest for the next 6 months. The rest were all minor cuts and bruises. While he was on bedrest, he saw all his friends and family getting together and taking care of him everyday. It was then he learned to never take things for granted. As humans we often tend to take the basics of life for granted, such as breathing, walking, having a place to live and having good food to eat. Often, we only value things, when we no longer have them. This accident really affected him positively and negatively. He started appreciating things in his life and the people around him. Over the 6 months, he tried to stay positive for the sake of his loved ones, even though at times he felt like he wouldn’t get any better. But with the help of his family, he was finally able to walk again. Slowly but surely he got back to the normal version of himself, the funny, energetic and joyful Atta. However, this accident also left him with some fears. No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t do the same activities which he could do before. He was scared to walk, scared to run, scared to even cross the street at times.  Even though it has been 8 years, he  still has trouble jumping  in fear that it might damage the bone again.