From the beginning, writing a short story was very much writing a memoir. I was, again, confident in my academic or technical writing ability, but felt as if I felt short on the creativity and imaginative aspects of creative writing. Additionally, like memoir writing, albeit less so, writing fiction felt a bit pointless, but this time it was with a different flavor. Like memoir writing, I wasnā€™t exactly sure why I was writing short stories aside from the fact that I had to for an assignment. Instead of writing because I had something to share, I felt like I was writing just because I was told to, and Iā€™d imagine that decreased the quality of my writing. Unlike memoir writing, the purpose of short stories is a bit more straightforward: the main purpose is to entertain, and you can fully embrace the extent of your fictitious imagination. 

I said for memoir writing that I enjoyed reading other peopleā€™s memoirs, and the same applies here. What is even more remarkable about the short stories is that I had to read all of them, thus had the opportunity to read more classmatesā€™ work, and since fiction and fantasy were allowed, the short stories were shockingly creative, at least to me. I recall someone in class said something along the lines of ā€œI didnā€™t realize how uncreative I was,ā€ and while I wouldnā€™t put it so negatively, that more or less echoes what I felt as well. Even though my writing was probably more ā€œwell-writtenā€ than my fellow classmates, Iā€™d imagine most of theirs is probably more entertaining than mine simply due to their superior imagination. 

I will say regardless of my frustrations with creative writing in general, this definitely provided some reflection opportunities, particularly regarding creativity and lifestyle, and once the class is over Iā€™ll probably have more.