A moment from the past that changed me as a person was, when I came here in New York from Bangladesh at the age of seven. It was a big change for me as I started to learn little by little about the people and learn to adapt to the environment. Since I learned a little bit of English back home in Bangladesh, it was quite easy for me to speak the language. Even though, I wasn’t fluent in speaking English at the time, but as I grew older and started having conversations with my peers and my fellow classmates from school, I became fluent in speaking English. Since I’m only learning how to read, write, and talk in English, I begin to forget how to read and write in my first language which is Bangla. I can still speak fluently in Bangla, because I speak the language at home with my family. Also getting use to the education system was hard for me in the beginning, as it is totally different from Bangladesh. As I grew older I got use to it and managed to work it out in the end.