Sanai with box braids put into a bun, wearing her favorite color. All black fit.  Charcoal-colored crop top, great fitting mom jeans, cropped diamante sweater, and black cat 4s. Wasn’t her best fit but it was cute for today. It’s 69 degrees currently outside in Cooran, probably the highest temp it’ll get for a while. The days it was warm were her best days, or at least her best feeling days. Sanai was a loner not many friends and had no plans. Just another day to enjoy her own company. Again.

Sitting outside of her school library, slouched over with her head sitting on her palm, she saw nothing just people walking around. Absolutely no words were spoken in her time there.

She had nothing to focus on but the people walking past to take away from the strong feeling of hunger most girls with skinny blue jeans, crop tops, colorful t-shirts, or sweaters. The guys were whack still in the same kind of clothes they’d wear on regular cold days lol. Except this one guy came walking out with white background tie-dye shorts, with the colors of pink, green and yellow, white sneakers, and a white sweater. Ugly outfit but different

 â€śIs this the life of college for real? There’s no fun roaming around” In disbelief, she thought about all the college stories she had heard and the fun she saw on tv. Was it her fault for the lack of fun what would she be doing if she were at a different school. Nothing but fu-. She was snapped of her thoughts as a girl approached her. Straight blonde hair, skinny jeans, and a t-shirt. Typical.

“Hi I’m a part of the PIRG club, I’m just walking around to get people to sign a petition for better bus service”  

“The bus?” She said in confusion “like the MTA, public bus?” She thought what could us useless college students do for the public bus? She signed the petition just to be nice, it would’ve been rude to say no

“Thanks, if you’re interested in the group the room is down the hall at room 308,” she says as she grabs the clipboard back “we have interesting events, internships, great opportunities, and create a good family team”

Events? Teamsss? Hmm. God is that you listening to Sanai?. As they exchanged information Sanai smiled internally at the thought. This might have not been the fun she had in mind, but it was something. Maybe it was like a speakeasy, had to get comfortable with everyone to get to the fun stuff ;).