During the spring of 2018, Dree-Nica was deciding what major she should do. She had already decided between two colleges, Hunter and City Tech, but all was left was deciding her major. Her father, we’ll call him Nick, thought that his daughter should do electrical engineering. As an electrician, he would be able to help Dree with all things regarding school. Another benefit would be that she’ll only have to do two years in school and be set for that. Dree thought that was a good idea but was not so sure. Nick gave her another option: nursing. Well, Dree was interested in babies so she could go for neonatal nursing. But when she found out about the many risks and trauma of being any type of nurse, she decided that would be choice number two. Nick could not believe that Dree was still so unsure, what else is there for her to do? Not that he knew anymore.

Dree decided to some more research and came upon a major called architecture. Turns out its a major where people design and build buildings. A lightbulb went on in Dree’s head. She thought, ‘This is it. Has to be it.’ She went on to explain to her father about what she had just discovered.

She talked told Nick, “Remember when I was little I use to draw and design houses. This is a sign that I should do this major, and even if I don’t end up design buildings there are so many other things I could do.”

Of course, Nick was not so sure. He thought, ‘It sounds a little too much for her and would she be able to find a job. Plus, the process seems long. It would be better if she did the things that I suggested her. They are quick and very high paying.’ He told her these things, but she already decided that it was architecture that she would do. He could not understand why she would put herself in such situation, but he could not argue anymore since it is her life. Even after getting into college and started learning architecture, Nick would tell Dree that it’s not too late to change her mind, but no she had made up her mind.

Dree would still point out the things that proved that her major is needed. One time as they were driving in the city, Dree pointed out how there were at least one new building on a block that was building built. “See, I can be the brain behind those projects are I can just help in them. I am needed so just accept it,” she told her father. That disagreement came to a stop after that to the point Nick was very interested in all the school projects that she did in her architecture classes and would get all the products that she needed.